Vaccine Maker Admits on FDA Website That DTaP Vaccine Causes Autism

vaccine_genericBy Catherine J. Frompovich

A HUGE hat tip and shout out goes to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, for finding pharmacological admittance and written proof that at least one vaccine causes autism as an adverse reaction.

According to the U.S. FDA’s online Biologics Blood Vaccines publication, Sanofi Pasteur’s Diphtheria, Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed (DTaP) package insert information under the section for Adverse Reactions, which runs from page 6 to page 11, we find the following declared admission that DTaP caused autism “during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine.” See the copy and paste information below. So, why all the denials that a vaccine hasn’t or can’t cause autism?

Parents, here’s your proof!

Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed


Additional Adverse Reactions

Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea. Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting. Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to establish a causal relationship to components of Tripedia vaccine.2 [1]

The reference 2 above refers to Sanofi Pasteur Inc., Data on File – 072503. [2] Personally, I’d love to examine that Data on File 072503!

It should be noted that

Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Concentrates (For Further Manufacturing Use) are produced by The Research Foundation for Microbial Diseases of Osaka University (BIKEN), Osaka, Japan, under United States (US) license, and are combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur Inc. Tripedia vaccine is filled, labeled, packaged, and released by Sanofi Pasteur Inc. [3]

What’s in Tripedia that probably can interfere with brain chemistry and neurology? According to the Tripedia’s package insert, some ingredients include: Bovine extract, formaldehyde used to inactivate microorganisms a couple of times, ammonium sulfate, aluminum potassium sulfate, 2 growth mediums: modified Mueller and Miller is one; the other is Stainer-Scholte medium.

Mueller and Miller medium, according to the information I found, contains:

glucose, sodium chloride, sodium phosphate dibasic, monopotassium, phosphate, magnesium sulfate hydrate, ferrous sulfate heptaphydrate, cystine hydrochloride, tyrosine hydrochloride, urasil hydrochloride, Ca-pantothenate in ethanol, thiamine in ethanol, pyridoxin-hydrochloride in ethanol, riboflavin in ethanol, biotin in ethanol, sodium hydroxide, beef heart infusion (de- fatted beef heart and distilled water), casein [milk protein] solution[4]

basically a mixture of sugar, salt, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals

While Stainer-Scholte medium has the following ingredients:

tris hydrochloride, tris base, glutamate (monosodium salt) [MSG], proline, salt, monopotassium phosphate, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, ferrous sulfate, asorbic acid, niacin, glutathione [5]

The vaccine is formulated without preservatives, but contains a trace amount of thimerosal [(mercury derivative), (≤0.3 μg mercury/dose)] from the manufacturing process. Each 0.5 mL dose also contains, by assay, not more than 0.170 mg of aluminum and not more than 100 μg (0.02%) of residual formaldehyde. The vaccine contains gelatin and polysorbate 80 (Tween-80), which are used in the production of the pertussis concentrate. [6] [CJF emphasis added]

“Probable cause” ingredients for adverse reactions—especially neurological, in my opinion, include: casein[7], to which some children are allergic; MSG—an excitotoxin[8]; thimerosal-ethylmercury[9]; aluminum[10]; formaldehyde[11]; gelatin[12]; and polysorbate 80[13].

Now that we have at least one vaccine manufacturer leveling with the medical profession, why aren’t pediatricians, nurses, and all medical personnel, plus the media, not telling parents and guardians that the DTaP vaccine has caused autism and also telling parents ALL the adverse effects that appear in vaccine package inserts?

To take the vaccine debacle further, most of the mandated vaccines for infants and children, contain many of the above ingredients, which must be stopped from being injected into infants, toddlers, teens and even adults!

It’s time for Congress to rescind the “Get out of Jail Free” card for vaccine makers and stop the aggressive onslaught of the Autism Spectrum Disorder [1 in 45 kids (2015)[14]] that is depriving children of a fulfilling life and ruining families emotionally, financially, and physically to the point of parents divorcing because of the stresses of ASD in a family.

To really understand the vaccine “conundrum,” plus crimes of fraudulent science, data, and skullduggery, readers should know that the new motion picture documentary VAXXED is being released April 1st, 2016. For information on how you can get your local movie theater to show it, here’s the link for the movie on how to get it distributed to theaters.

It’s about time vaccines are publicly acknowledged by the feds and the media for all the health damages they have caused. Just check out the CDC’s VAERS reports and the vaccine damage payouts by the HHS/HRSA; see pages 5 and 9. A grand total of $3,325,248,027.02 – that’s Billions! – have been paid for vaccine adverse reactions and deaths from 1989 to 2016 so far.

Truly, vaccines are a crime against humanity, in my opinion.


[1] Pg. 11, ¶3
[2] Ibid. Pg. 12
[3] Ibid. Pg. 1
[5] Pg. 1
[6] Ibid.
[8] Food Additive Excitotoxins and Degenerative Brain Disorders, Russel L Blaylock, MD
[12] Flu Vaccine Reactions From The Same Gelatin in Gummy Bears
[13] Polysorbate-80 modified neurotoxin nanoparticle with its transport and cytotoxicity against blood-brain barrier

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich coming in Summer 2016

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268 Comments on "Vaccine Maker Admits on FDA Website That DTaP Vaccine Causes Autism"

  1. Once upon a time Natural News was one of the DAILY sites that I visited because it usually revealed valuable information that was hidden by the usual corporate media.
    And because I am an analytical chemist (and know my way around a lab) I admired Mike Adams immensely for his legitimate knowledge and personal use of his ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) machine that he used to test various substances in order to expose the bastardization of our foods and the lies that we are are regularly exposed to by the usual media presstitutes.

    However I was forced to stop paying attention to Natural News completely because once I started pointing out (in the comments section) how Natural News had SUDDENLY SWITCHED from reporting the evidence that the San Bernardino “terrorist attack” was an obvious false flag in order to start parroting exactly what the corporate media was saying, I was BANNED from even being allowed to comment at all !

    Truly awakened people need to know how much the “alternative sites” are now being completely controlled.

  2. ” Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to establish a causal relationship to components of Tripedia vaccine.”

    Events reported may or may not be associated with the vaccine. But whatever the cause, it is required that it be reported. The likely increase in autism is GMO foods (3/4 of which contain the carcinpgen glyphosate) , which show an exact correlation, but unlike vaccines, during which trials many illnesses may occur for many reasons, GMO foods are not required to make such reports.

    A certain number of people get autism; a certain number will get it taking any drug, vaccine, or even food. This is not imply causation. Making this assumption, or promoting it as an “admission” is naked dishonesty.

    And no, I a not a paid shill, tho I welcome donations. Anyone calling me a paid shill will be guilty of the crime of libel and exposed as a paid shill, using rule #1: logic or evidence should be met with the accusation that the person presenting is a paid shill. It is likely that Monsanto pays shills to call those who point to the correlation of GMO use and the rise of autism as “paid shills.” It’s a strategy that works for useful idiots. We know they fund universities, give former and future govt workers in the regulatory agencies (revolving door) lucrative jobs, and spend millions to deny the scientific claims of WHO and other researchers who point out the dangers of GMO food production. I would like to see such studies of autism based on GMO food consumption, wouldn’t you? Meanwhile, adverse effects during a trial are no more proved to be a cause than a car accident can be claimed to be a result of the trial.

    Ok, send donations now.

  3. This is old news.
    Because the Tripedia insert had the some valid information, it is now obsolete to be replaced with the same issues under different names.
    But what was only listed the tip of the iceberg.
    Non-therapeutic TDaP/DTaP/DTP/DPT vaccines have always been known to be the major cause of SIDS.
    Non-therapeutic TDaP/DTaP/DTP/DPT vaccines is also the reason that the U.S. has ten to one hundred times of microcephaly than the supposed Brazil zika reports. Brazil’s microcephaly started nine months after Brazil’s new policy of assaulting all pregnant women with TDaP. Brazil’s microcephaly was also in areas poisoned by Monsanto’s insecticides and where genetically modified mosquitoes were released.
    The reason the CDC rigged a study to try to show that MMR didn’t cause autism was a failed red herring to turn attention away from non-therapeutic TDaP/DTaP/DTP/DPT vaccines being known to cause autism. Instead of “proving” that no non-therapeutic vaccines caused autism by checking statistics on one least suspected to not cause much autism, they just added proof that another non-therapeutic vaccines caused autism.
    P.S. The only reason to inject polysorbate 80 ( Tween-80 ) is to reduce fertility or cause sterility.
    Even eating large amounts of it from our foods can reduce fertility but we don’t ingest enough for our population reduction freak owners.
    I don’t believe that enough can be absorbed from cosmetics to matter but I’m no expert.
    To stay away from injected polysorbate 80 ( Tween-80 ), stay away from non-therapeutic TDaP/DTaP/DTP/DPT vaccines and non-therapeutic HPV vaccines. Always check the package insert for ingredients before allowing your children to be assaulted with any non-therapeutic vaccine. Also remember that in the history of mankind that no non-therapeutic vaccine has ever cured what didn’t exist but non-therapeutic vaccines do cause damage.

  4. Thank you for this report, Catherine

    I appreciate your staying on top of such stories. We need all the help we can get, these days, from those who have something to sell us.

  5. Not to mention nagalase, cas9/crispr and bacteriophages
    TY Catherine many blesses.

  6. Look up VICP Vaccine Injury Compensation Plan, it’s now paid out up to $3 BILLION worth of injuries, all vaccine makers have to pay into the plan

    • Corporations pay nothing. They never can.
      The money is added to the cost of the vaccine.
      So in the end, the parents of the children assaulted with non-therapeutic vaccines pay.

      • Manufacturers fund this scheme through an excise tax levied on them of 75c per vaccine component.

        • Mike Stevens, corporations are merely the tax collectors.
          Corporations pay nothing. They never can.
          The money is added to the cost of the vaccine.
          So in the end, the parents of the children assaulted with non-therapeutic vaccines are the ones pay. The payment may be filtered through medical insurance premiums but in the end, the parents of the children assaulted with non-therapeutic vaccines are the ones pay.
          When the children are damaged or killed, the parents pay again.
          A fraction might make it through non-therapeutic vaccine court, but that won’t cover everything, so the parents still pay.
          P.S. For all of the thousands of non-therapeutic vaccine court claims filed, so few make it through the non-therapeutic vaccine court that only about three billion U.S. dollars has been paid to settle successful claims. Of course if true damages were paid, that number would be much higher.

          • Mike Stevens | April 24, 2016 at 3:54 pm |

            Nope, the manufacturers pay the excise tax on vaccines.
            You have as much understanding about this as you have about virology and immunology, don’t you?

          • Mike Stevens, corporations are merely the tax collectors for the 75 cents..
            Corporations pay nothing. They never can.
            Corporations transfer part of the non-therapeutic vaccine payment to the government.
            Corporation can never pay tax from their own money because it’s not their money.
            Corporations only pass on costs to consumers.

          • Not that it would matter in any case (imo)- taxpayers pay for “public goods” like schools, libraries and the like.

            Last I checked, NOT having the disease circulating in the public was a very public very good although admittedly, a very tangible one.

  7. Did you actually read the “revelatory” text? “Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of
    uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their
    frequencies or to establish a causal relationship to components of
    Tripedia vaccine.” These are self-reported incidents totally unverified, meaning of only the most general epidemiological significance. As always, ZERO evidence of the insidious plot to poison infants you continually rail about.

    • and this bit also, ” Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting.”

      No proof. People are always looking to point fingers when something bad happens to their family members. Im not a huge fan of big phrma, but i don’t think its vaccines causing autism

    • I did and have a copy of the Tripedia insert on my desk?
      I wouldn’t vaccinate my kids anyway -> result – 3 healthy, smart, very fit, very rarely get a cold, good looking, not autistic, obese or damaged in any way (ages 18 – 27). If someone wants my boys to be forced to be vaccinated because their kid(s) are immune compromised etc., they should look not at my boys but at their own kids and why they are that way.

    • They have to self report, the Pharma loving doctors won’t do it.

      • Or a bunch of anti-vaxers cranks are reporting it to get it into the list of reported adverse reactions. Still 0 reputable studies showing a link.

        • Hark! Doth I hear another DUH MOMENT?

        • pharmaceutical corporations are among the most corrupt businesses on earth, in human history. GSK alone has been convicted (in courts of law) of THE largest cases of human healthcare fraud on two continents, Asia and North America, involved in multi-billion (billion with a b-) bribery rackets to buy off doctors, researchers, regulators, and when investigated for bribery, attempting to buy off the police.

          If you allow such a corporation to inject a substance into your body, you’re plain stupid. Period.

  8. Rulings by courts are not science; science is not ruled by government, committee, courts, or authorities. It is a self-correcting enterprise run by other scientists, with peer review in a democratic, anarchistic way.

    The value of vaccines is based on a cost/benefit analysis. There is some harm done, much good. Those who are harmed deserve to be compensated but this does not refute the science or the analysis of the good done vs the harm. All medicine involves risks and a certain degree of bad results; that is not reason to ban or denounce all medicine.

    The day that courts decide what is science is the day we revert to the political science of the Soviet Union, where science was dictated by the government. Meanwhile, those who can show a reasonable harm are treated with respect.

  9. ” Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting.”

    Meaning that people with autisic kids called because they thought it was the vaccine….

    • Something that will be kept undercover…I have been involved trying to bring the MMR jab in the 90s to be proved causing my two sons mild/moderate Autism the USA government says it was not the case the rest of the creepy crawlers follow and hide Vital information ..but if it was the Presidents or UK Prime Ministers child welllll all would be a story !!!!

  10. “There have been numerous parents”

    Whats numerous? Hundreds? Thousands? 10’s of thousands?

    How many people have gotten vaccines? Even the parents of autistic kids have had vaccines

    I hate big phrma, but something else is causing autism. When was the last time the
    Toxic Substances Control Act was updated? Or even enforced? Why are Oxycontin or stronger opiates still available? Whats with all the antidepressants? Do any of them effect pregnancies?What if you take a cocktail of drugs? Do these drugs get tested in cocktail form (multiple prescriptions) before approved? Do we even know the symptoms of multiple drugs combined?

    • corners, there have been thousands of parents with children that have reported non-therapeutic vaccine damage but most autism reports were refused unless the lawyers changed the description of the damage to brain damage. The refusal to accept the damage as described as “autism” was part of the coverup. Using “brain damage” instead did allow a tiny bit of money to get to parents of damaged children.
      For the U.S. to have only paid just over three billion U.S. dollars for the over a thousand U.S. children that could make it through the non-therapeutic vaccine court is absurd.
      Many of the children will never recover or become functioning members of society but the pennies that they got will not support them for the rest of their lives.
      The fact that most claims were refused is absurd.
      The reasons for most of the refusals was absurd.
      Non-therapeutic vaccines have never cured what doesn’t exist.
      Non-therapeutic vaccines are constantly proven to do harm and to kill.

      • Non-therapeutic vaccines have never cured what doesn’t exist.
        Non-therapeutic vaccines are constantly proven to do harm and to kill.”

        Not sure what all this means.

        Ive got big problems with big phrma and how our courts and health insurance system works. But its nutz to say all vaccines dont help and harm or kill more.

        I guarantee you if your kid had small pox or whooping cough you wouldn’t hesitate to give them the vaccine.

        • Sorry, but my “doesn’t exist” statement is a partially trick statement.
          The trick part, “doesn’t exist” of course can’t be cured because it “doesn’t exist”.
          Also “non-therapeutic”, a.k.a. preventative, means that there is no disease being treated so disease “doesn’t exist” at the time of non-therapeutic vaccine assault.
          Non-therapeutic vaccines were never meant to treat and do a good job of not
          curing anything. That is what they are designed for. That was the plan.
          Allopathic “medicine” doesn’t even like the word “cure” because “cure” stops profit
          Treat, treat, and treat is what is profitable and allopathic “medicine” has a fiduciary responsible to maximize profit. Non-therapeutic vaccine damage adds proof.
          I never said or implied that therapeutic vaccines had value or not.
          Non-therapeutic vaccines are the ones that I posted information about.
          If I had a child with smallpox:
          1. Smallpox does not exist in the wild anywhere on planet Earth so where would it come from?
          2. If a child has smallpox, that’s too late for a non-therapeutic smallpox vaccine.
          3. In over two hundred of trying, non-therapeutic smallpox vaccine has never been proven effective but has been proven to cause disease over and over and over.
          4. The U.S. stopped using the non-therapeutic smallpox vaccine in 1974 because it had absolutely no benefit but sometimes caused disease. The people that stopped forcing non-therapeutic smallpox vaccine were and are correct so I have no reason to disagree with them.
          5. Some children are ccr5 delta32 resistant or immune to smallpox and many or most people in the U.S.A. are descendants of smallpox survivors.
          Hundreds of years ago, Europeans with an active case of smallpox travelled to where is now the U.S. without dying on the long voyages or years after.
          Hundreds of years ago, smallpox was no longer very deadly to Europeans.
          6. Smallpox is not deadly as it was hundreds of years ago for most people.
          The scars don’t look nice but there are less than before and if vanity is needed,
          I would suggest plastic surgery. i.e While the death of susceptible people increased human resistance as a whole, the virus mutates to not kill as many.
          Any bio-infectious agent that kills all hosts can’t spread but bio-infectious agents that does not kill its host can spread so viruses become less deadly.
          That is part of why diseases without non-therapeutic vaccines always die out.
          7. Good general health, food, and cleanliness are also important to fight disease.
          Most whooping cough outbreaks are in areas that assault people with
          non-therapeutic pertussis vaccines.
          The best way to protect people from whooping cough is to outlaw non-therapeutic vaccines and suggest anyone with whooping cough to attempt to not spread it.
          Good general health, food, and cleanliness are also important to fight disease.

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  13. Why bother highlighting a story
    My two sons where given the MMR jab in the 90s both ended up with Mild/moderate Autism…who cares !!! No one was only my sons that where deprived of an normal childhood..if it was the any of the USA or UK presidents & ministers it would have been mega news

  14. it said “reported”. There is no evidence that the TDaP vaccination actually CAUSES Autism. Most of you do not remember what it was like before vaccinations. Guess we have to go back to families losing 2 or 3 of their children like in the 19th century for the nonsense about vaccinations end.

    • When I was young, we didn’t have many vaccines but later in the 1950’s we stopped dumping human waste in rivers above where other city intake for public water were and where people swam in an effort to stop fecal to oral diseases like cholera, polio, and typhoid. It worked.
      We sprayed DDT and emptied or put oil on stagnant water to stop mosquitoes so ended malaria.
      In the 1960s we made it non-politically correct to send children to school when they had communicable diseases, which was too late for me. I was required to go to school in the 1950s even with measles.
      ===> Back in the 1960s were were healthier, happier, and had more money than now. <===
      Today, children are sick. SIDS, asthma, autism, juvenile cancer from the newborn vitamin k injection, egg allergies, peanut allergies, ADD, ADHD, and you name it, they got it.
      The more government control to train people to allow government to control everything that they do, say, and think has not kept us as happy and has not made us freer.
      Allopathic "medicine" is eating over one-sixth or the economy and that has not made us richer.
      Wages have been stagnated for decades but prices are higher. Young people need help from both their parents and grandparents to have a family of their own with a good standard of living.
      The U.S. food, water, and non-therapeutic vaccines are openly poisoned.
      We really do have BPE, BPA, BPS, aspartame, HFCS, and other chemicals in our foods.
      Yes, they really do dump toxic waste in water but instead of calling it forced mass poisoning they call it forced mass medicating pretending that forced mass medicating is a good thing or legal.
      Non-therapeutic vaccines really do contain sterilization agent polysorbate 80, and poisons like mercury and aluminum, and foreign DNA from human abortions and other sources. Reading and understanding the ingredients "listed" as in non-therapeutic vaccines is more sickening than the diseases that they supposedly but do not protect against. Unlisted ingredients are no better.
      The U.S. has a horrible birth defect rate.
      The U.S. has the worst infant mortality of any so-called developed country.
      The U.S. has the worst longevity of any so-called developed country.
      Poison food, poison water, poison non-therapeutic vaccines, low income, and government control takes a toll.

      • A few comments to this Gish-gallop:
        The incidence of polio went up as sanitation of water increased.

        I did not have to attend school in the 50s with measles. Where on earth did you come up with such a nutty idea? In the 40s and earlier, people had to put a quarantine sign on their door when there was measles in the household, to warn people off.

        The US infant mortality rate is dropping, and is actually at its lowest point ever.

        • Sonja Henie, what do you call “sanitation” that increases polio?
          Cholera, polio, and typhoid are fecal to oral diseases that cannot spread when all human waste is treated. When the U.S. did that in the mid 1950’s the wild versions of all stopped.
          Polio had a non-therapeutic vaccine so continued for decades.
          The non-therapeutic polio vaccines also caused cancer from 1953 initial testing until 1997. May still be there?
          The fast acting SV40 was removed in 1963 so people could no longer associate the non-therapeutic vaccine with causing their cancer.
          People assaulted with the non-therapeutic vaccine fifty years ago are still getting SV40 cancers from it today.
          I had to attend school with measles.
          Measles wasn’t deadly to many in the 1950s so the only harm was possible eye and ear injury for not staying in a quiet, dark room.
          Even today, people have chickenpox parties to insure that their children have normal childhood diseases with lifetime immunity.
          The U.S. infant mortality rate is the worst for any so-called developed country in the world.
          The U.S. longevity rate is the worst for any so-called developed country in the world.

          • Sonja Henie | April 20, 2016 at 10:55 pm |

            Polio vaccine was introduced in 1955. By that time, 70% of households had public water/sewage systems.

            You would not have been allowed to go to school with measles. No one in my acquaintance has ever had a chickenpox party.

          • Sonja Henie, actually, the non-therapeutic inactive virus IPV polio vaccine was tried on a couple of people in 1952 with real testing starting in 1953.
            It immediately caused fast-acting SV-40 cancer.
            In 1955-1956, it was tested on rodents and caused cancer for them also.
            In 1963, the SV-40 cause was found or guessed at so the fast-acting strain was removed from non-therapeutic attenuated virus OPV polio vaccine.
            In 1997 with people wondering why the non-therapeutic attenuated virus OPV polio vaccine was still infecting people with SV-40, the slow-acting SV-40 strain was found to still be in the non-therapeutic attenuated virus OPV polio vaccine.
            The U.S. switched back to the non-therapeutic inactive virus IPV polio vaccine because of two reasons:
            1. Even though viral polio hadn’t been able to spread in the U.S. for forty years since all human waste was treated, the non-therapeutic attenuated virus OPV polio vaccine was causing a few cases of non-therapeutic vaccine polio ever year.
            2. It is thought that if enough formaldehyde is used to inactivate the polio virus, it might also inactivate the SV-40 virus. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t?
            Yes, in 1955, “70% of households had public water/sewage systems” and much human waste was dumped directly into rivers, but in my case dumped into a stream that fed the river. Cities down stream got their public drinking water from our excrement. We went down river and swam in our excrement, me included.
            It cost us a fortune to increase our sewage treatment system to include the complete city but the results were well worth. Fecal to oral diseases like cholera, viral polio, and typhoid could no longer spread in the U.S.
            Of course, viral polio continued for decades because of non-therapeutic attenuated virus OPV polio vaccine.
            Back to today. World-wide:
            Almost all of type 1 polio is caused by non-therapeutic attenuated virus OPV polio vaccine. Example: 47,500 cases in India in 2011.
            All of type 2 polio is caused by non-therapeutic attenuated virus OPV polio vaccine. There is no wild type 2 viral polio.
            All of type 3 polio is caused by non-therapeutic attenuated virus OPV polio vaccine. There is no wild type 3 viral polio.
            The only countries with viral polio that may be wild viral polio are Pakistan and Afghanistan. To cross some streets in Pakistan, you need to step over open ditches with flowing human waste.
            Back in the 1950’s, measles was not a deadly disease for people of European descent or many other U.S. residents. Ancestors that could die from measles had died centuries before and left no offsprings. It was just something that children went through. Going to school and getting perfect attendance record was considered more important than worrying about a nothing disease.
            I disagreed then and now but I was not then and am not now in charge.
            Since you were never invited to any chickenpox party, perhaps you are correct and the people that did go to them didn’t go to them. After all, you have the only experiences in your world.

          • Sonja Henie | April 24, 2016 at 11:11 am |

            Oh, bull! Show me one documented case of this cancer.

          • Sonja Henie,
            The first issue is that I don’t conduct studies so you are asking the wrong person.
            The second issue is that the question of the non-therapeutic inactivated virus IPV polio vaccine was answered in a 1955-1956 rodent study.
            Third, in 1963 the SV40 was named as the cause. I didn’t do that study either.
            Fourth, in 1997, the SV40 was found to still be in the non-therapeutic attenuated virus OPV vaccine.
            Fifth and last, I’m not your slave. You can look up the same studies that I can.
            The first hit I got was an NIH article PMC452549 named:
            “Emergent Human Pathogen Simian Virus 40 and Its Role in Cancer”
            There are plenty more for anyone with the will to know.

          • Sonja Henie | April 24, 2016 at 2:05 pm |

            You said it, you provide the proof. That’s how it works here, bub.

            I don’t do research into vaccines, either, but I can back up what I say. You can’t because you’re lying.

          • I said what? Perhaps hundreds of things.
            If you can pick out what you want proof of that I said, ask someone to do a web search for you and then ask them to read and explain the results to you.
            It is not my job to be your slave.

          • Sonja Henie | April 24, 2016 at 6:58 pm |

            Oh, quit being cute. Document what you said in the post I responded to . That’s the expectation on this board.

          • Sonja Henie, of the hundreds of statements that I made, I give you permission to ask someone to figure which you want more information on, to do web searches for you, and then read and explain the results to you.
            I’m still not your mind-reader nor am I your slave.

          • Sonja Henie | April 24, 2016 at 7:41 pm |

            You don’t have anything to back up all these cancer from SV-40 stories, do you?

          • Sonja Henie, I believe you are asking for a study that had two groups of people with one group assaulted with the slow-acting SV40, one group not assaulted, with the people followed to the normal incubation of 20 to 30 years or longer 50 years to see which developed any of the three types of cancer that SV40 causes.
            That type of study would be unethical.
            What has been done is to analyze cancer tissue to see if it has the SV40 virus.
            There are two completely different results.
            If the people doing the analysis want to find SV40, they do.
            If the people doing the analysis don’t want to find SV40 ( big pharma has a fiduciary responsibility to lie, cheat, and steal ), they don’t.
            Since that puts us at a roadblock, why not try logic?
            The SV40 cancers started with the 1953 testing of the non-therapeutic inactivated virus IPV polio vaccine.
            That did not slow big pharma from selling product to innocent victims.
            In 1955-1956, there was a rodent study to determine if the 1953 non-therapeutic inactivated virus IPV polio vaccine testing on humans causing cancer was a fluke.
            The rodents also developed cancer.
            In 1963, SV40 was said to be in the non-therapeutic attenuated virus OPV polio vaccine and the fast acting strain of SV40 removed because it caused cancer.
            The fast acting strain of SV40 was said to be able to cause cancer in as little as three months which would have allowed people to relate the non-therapeutic inactivated virus IPV polio vaccine assault with the cancer.
            In 1997 the slow-acting SV40 was still in the non-therapeutic attenuated virus OPV polio vaccine. Shortly after, the U.S. switched back to the non-therapeutic inactivated virus IPV polio vaccine claiming that inactivating the polio virus might also inactivate the SV40. Also, the switch was to reduce disease caused by the non-therapeutic attenuated virus OPV polio vaccine.
            How it is thought to work:
            The SV40 virus is thought to sit in an infected person’s body mostly without doing harm. If someone has inflammation, the virus is thought to migrate to the location
            and infect the cells moving in right next to the cell nucleus. Nucleus disruption cause cell proliferation known as a tumor which is called cancer.
            Does the guesswork fit the facts?
            Asbestos has been around for a couple of thousand years.
            Asbestos has been used in the U.S. since before 1900.
            Asbestos is an irritant that causes inflammation.
            In the 1953 non-therapeutic inactivated virus IPV polio vaccine testing, mesothelioma was one of the three SV40 cancers that popped up and frightened the testers enough to do the 1955-1956 rodent tests. The three SV40 cancers were previously barely known or unknown cancers.
            The 1955-1956 rodent tests confirmed that the non-therapeutic inactivated virus IPV polio vaccine did result in tumors.
            The 1963 removal of the fast-acting SV40 separated the time of the cause and the disease enough that it wouldn’t be obvious to everyone.
            Does big pharma admit that they cause cancer?
            There is a popular internet video where the non-therapeutic polio vaccine developers are laughing that when the non-therapeutic polio vaccine was sent to Russia for testing, that their athletes might be so loaded down with cancer we could win the Olympics. It’s one Dr. Maurice Hilleman interview.
            The non-therapeutic polio vaccines manufacturers knew without a doubt in 1953 that the non-therapeutic polio vaccine being tested caused cancer.
            They knew without a doubt in 1963 that cutting the SV40 detection schedule in half would only find the fast-acting SV40.
            Non-therapeutic polio vaccines that I got in the 1950s could kill me any year now.
            I have known someone that died of mesothelioma and know their murderers.
            As long as people like some posting here continue to assist the FDA, CDC, and big pharma with covering up the facts, this type of tragedy will continue.

          • Sonja Henie | April 25, 2016 at 8:56 am |

            No, I’m asking for some proof of your statements.

          • The same thing that I posted for Mike Stevens:
            Sonja Henie, cute red herring but trolls use it often.
            Instead of adding anything relevant to the discussion of how harmful non-therapeutic vaccines are, you claim that you want me to “prove” hundreds of various statements by posting links to hundreds of web pages while guessing at which ones that you are dreaming about.
            If anyone were to do something that non-intelligent, there is no chance that you would believe anything in any link and you would insist that you will do your own research.
            Sonja Henie, you should be ashamed.

          • Sonja Henie | April 25, 2016 at 2:53 pm |

            Really somitcw, you should be ashamed that you can’t back up what you saying. The shame is all yours.

          • Sonja Henie,, your continue off topic and red herring posts to disrupt the discussion about harmful non-therapeutic vaccines which does not contribute to the discussion about harmful non-therapeutic vaccines.
            Your implying that I have a responsibility to read your mind and be your research slave to document which of the hundreds of statements that I made knowing that there would be no way that you would believe any research links that I post is no different than a troll. A common ploy actually.
            Sonja Henie, you should be ashamed.

          • Mike Stevens | April 25, 2016 at 3:08 am |

            Burden of proof is on you, buddy.
            You have made numerous claims, all of them incorrect.
            It is beholden on you to provide evidence for the claim, not to expect people to run around for you.

            Did you know that vaccination can cure leukaemia, cancer and old age?

          • Mike Stevens, cute red herring but trolls use it often.
            Instead of adding anything relevant to the discussion of how harmful non-therapeutic vaccines are, you claim that you want me to “prove” hundreds of various statements by posting links to hundreds of web pages while guessing at which ones that you are dreaming about.
            If anyone were to do something that non-intelligent, there is no chance that you would believe anything in any link and you would insist that you will do your own research.
            Mike Stevens, you should be ashamed.

          • Mike Stevens | April 25, 2016 at 12:08 pm |

            I couldn’t have asked for a clearer admission that you vomited out a Gish gallop if I tried.
            Ta mate!

          • Mike Stevens, still trying to confuse or block the discussion of how harmful
            non-therapeutic vaccines are.
            Mike Stevens, you should be ashamed.

          • There are many, look that up.

          • Sonja Henie | April 29, 2016 at 2:03 pm |

            You said it, you prove it. “Look it up” is a cheater’s way out.

        • You have any proof of any of it? People did not put quarantine signs on their doors for measles, are you kidding? People had “measles parties” so their kids would get it while young. I, my family, relatives, whole school, whole town like every other place had childhood diseases and didn’t even see a Dr. I don’t remember even one person having any serious injuries.
          Dr Salk himself testified more ppl got polio from the vaccine than the wild virus
          History has been distorted and changed by the PR and marketing of the drug industry.

          • Sonja Henie | April 29, 2016 at 1:10 pm |

            Not this crap again!
            Please see this link: https://disqus (dot) com/home/discus…
            (Pictures of actual quarantine signs)
            When I had measles in 1956, my mom called the doctor about a quarantine sign and was told they weren’t being used any more. She was a public health nurse in the late 1940s when they were used.

            Incidence of polio by year (scroll down):

            These so-called measles parties are about 99% urban legend. I grew up in the pre-vaccine era; I was 14 when it came out. I never heard of one, literally. No one I knew ever gave one, was invited to one, or attended one. My husband grew up 1000 miles away from me and said he never heard of one either.

            Just because you don’t remember any “serious injuries” from your childhood doesn’t mean they didn’t happen. A hearing loss is not a real visible injury. That’s what happened to me, either with measles or mumps according to an audiologist (mild hearing loss). And so on.

            Yes, Salk was correct that after the vaccine had basically eliminated polio from the US, the few polio cases remaining were caused by vaccine. Again, look at that chart.
            Pre-vaccine 1952, the worst polio epidemic EVER in the US: 57,879 cases;21,269 of which were paralytic.

            The first vaccine was not live virus vaccine; that one came out in 1961. Let’s look at 1966, five years after it came out: 113 cases, 106 of which were, sadly, paralytic. Now which number is smaller, 57,879 or 113? You tell me! Please respond.

          • You are calling a mild hearing loss a serious injury? You not only remember from your childhood you knew these ppl for years and years and still no serious injuries. 0 deaths from measles in the last 14 years and 108 deaths from the vaccine. By 1955 all healthy kids were having there tonsils out because it was a major medical fad. They are an important part of the immune system especially where polio is concerned.
            I had a live polio vaccine in the 50s with SV40. In was from 1961 that Dr Salk was talking about where more polio was caused by the vaccine not the disease. Bill Gates was being sued for paralyzing 50,000 in India with the oral polio vaccine. Even the polio vaccine in the 50s came with tons of media hype, lies and coverups.

          • Sonja Henie | April 29, 2016 at 2:02 pm |

            You’re wrong about measles deaths:
            11 since 2000, plus 32 from SSPE, a late complication of measles.

            Dr.Salk was wrong OR, more likely considering the anti-vax penchant for lying, misquoted. The last wild polio cases in the US didn’t happen
            until 1979. As far as tonsillectomies and polio, that’s the first I’ve
            heard that, but the incidence of polio went down in 1955 onward, because of the vaccine.

            You’re wrong about Bill Gates, too.

          • The CDC has rapidly taken many things off their site and changed things since people are paying a lot more attention. The tonsils are the first and only real defense against polio. Measles depletes the body of Vit A.
            Anyway I have 3 kids, they had about 10 vaccines. Just knowing these two things, and the new discovery of the connection between gut and brain changes a lot about how to treat these diseases. I saw first hand some of the dangerous side effects, the denial and non care by the medical profession. I also learned how the exemptions are never mentioned but an option. Read the AMA recommendations of vaccines from 1958. Vaccines were not for everyone and with today’s schedule they really are not for everyone. Vaccines are being forced on everyone with total disregard to injuries and deaths.

          • Look at the chart much earlier it had dropped 90% before the vaccine. 70% who had the polio vaccine didn’t even know, the rest had flu like symptoms for a week to 10 days, less than 1% had some paralyzing after effects.

          • Sonja Henie | April 29, 2016 at 2:19 pm |

            You are not looking at the right chart if you think that. HIghest incidence, 1952, almost 60,000 cases. A 90% drop would mean 6,000 cases. Where do you see that? Oh, yeah, in 1958, three years AFTER the vaccine came out. Then some huge drops in the 60s when the oral polio vaccine became available. The year before the vaccine, ~40,000 cases. Math is not your best subject, I see.

            Yes, I know all those stats, but the incidence was high enough that those small percentages translated into many cases.

          • Like 1 in 50 is now millions of brain damaged kids.

        • It is still the highest in the developed countries

    • You better read some history and facts, it wasn’t like that at all before vaccines, that would be as recent as the 50s and 60s. No one was losing 2 or 3 kids, what an insane statement.

  15. “Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of
    uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their
    frequencies or to establish a causal relationship to components of
    Tripedia vaccine.” That means they are not implying vaccines cause autism. Goodness, why do we have to explain how to read inserts to antivaxers so often!

    • Correlation is not the same as causation, but after decades of children dying a few hours to a few days after being assaulted with the SIDS causing non-therapeutic TDaP/DTaP/DPT/DTP vaccines, there might be some truth that the SIDS causing non-therapeutic vaccines cause SIDS.
      As for non-therapeutic vaccines causing autism, the CDC picked non-therapeutic attenuated virus MMR vaccine to check because they thought that the non-therapeutic attenuated virus MMR vaccine did not cause autism. The CDC data showed otherwise so they destroyed their data and lied in the study’s report.
      They got caught and proved that the non-therapeutic attenuated virus MMR vaccine is one of the non-therapeutic vaccine causes of autism.

      • but after decades of children dying a few hours to a few days after

        This doesn’t really happen. VSD data shows virtually no deaths up to thirty days
        “Vaccination and 30-Day Mortality Risk in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults.”, McCarthy et al, Pediatrics, 2016

        Also children are healthier the closer to their vaccination date. “Mortality rates and cause-of-death patterns in a vaccinated population.”, McCarthy et al, Am J Prev Med., 2014

        • Wouldn’t it be great to have a real study?
          Your first study started with:
          “The study cohort included individuals ages 9 to 26 years with deaths between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2011.”.
          Perhaps not the best way to study SIDS ( hint the “I” means infant ).
          Your second second demonstrates:
          dishonesty, darn dishonesty, and statistics.
          The entire study is overlapping data for many people including people over 85 years old and then on charts overlapping days since non-therapeutic vaccine with themselves like: 0-1, 0-7, 0-30, 0-60
          In-place of the number of deaths, the charts instead uses “person years”.
          Does a newborn have the same number of person years as someone over 85 years old?
          I have no clue.
          Chart non-therapeutic vaccination visits range from 0 to 1591.58.
          Did some groups really average zero non-therapeutic vaccination visits?
          I won’t ask about the groups that averaged 1591.58 non-therapeutic vaccine visits.
          The question is cut and dry, does SIDS deaths normally occur soon after infants less than 85 years old and up are assaulted with SIDS causing non-therapeutic TDaP/DTaP/DPT/DTP vaccines?
          Yes or no.
          If the answer were no, then all of the lack of studies and cover-up studies would not happen. If there was nothing to hide, why have all of the hiding?
          The constant hiding and cover-up makes SIDS causing non-therapeutic TDaP/DTaP/DPT/DTP vaccines no different than other non-therapeutic vaccines.

          • Jonathan Graham | April 20, 2016 at 10:45 am |

            Perhaps not the best way to study SIDS ( hint the “I” means infant ).

            I apologize I forgot that the cutoff for that study was too high for SIDS.

            dishonesty, darn dishonesty, and statistics. The entire study is overlapping data for many people including people over 85 years old and then on charts overlapping days since non-therapeutic vaccine with themselves

            The study does break out the deaths by age group in particular infants are analysed separately. The one month or less group shows expected mortality and the 0 – 12 month is pretty close to linear. Meaning that your expectation of deaths close to vaccination. Simply. Doesn’t. Happen.

            I have no clue.

            Perhaps in more than one area.

          • Okay, if you can decipher the dishonesty, darn dishonesty, and statistics,
            for infants:
            In their first month group,
            1. How “many” newborns does it show in the chart?
            2. How “many” were assaulted with any SIDS causing non-therapeutic TDaP/DTaP/DPT/DTP vaccines?
            How about assaulted with other non-therapeutic vaccines?
            How about not assaulted with any SIDS causing non-therapeutic TDaP/DTaP/DPT/DTP vaccines?
            How about not assaulted with any non-therapeutic vaccines?
            3. How “many” died within one day of being assaulted with a SIDS causing non-therapeutic TDaP/DTaP/DPT/DTP vaccines?
            Two days?
            days 3 to 7?
            days 8 to 14?
            days 15 to 30?
            days 31 to 60?
            The same questions for infants in their second month?
            The same questions for infants in their third month?
            The same questions for infants in their fourth month?
            The same questions for infants in their fifth month?
            The dishonesty, darn dishonesty, and statistics are so cooked that you might not
            have a clue either?
            If there was nothing to hide, there wouldn’t be the constant extreme effort to hide.
            Neither of your studies comes close to answering any question other than showing the effort to hide information.

          • Jonathan Graham | April 20, 2016 at 8:15 pm |

            Yawn. Unless you’re stating that your hypothesis expects no overall correlation between vaccination period and mortality then the study handily answers the important question and reduces the likelihood of your hypothesis.

            If you are saying that you expect no overall correlation between vaccination period and mortality then feel free to come out and say so.

            statistics are so cooked that you might not have a clue either?

            What I have a clue about and you seemingly do not. Is how hypotheses are tested.

          • The study does not in any way measure any SIDS death being from or not from any non-therapeutic vaccine.
            The study measures infants less that a month old in person years.
            The study measures persons over 85 years old in person years.
            The study overlaps ages and results to insure that no valid information is presented.
            The study has non-therapeutic vaccination visits range from 0 to 1591.58 with many other weird number in the charts.
            The dishonesty, darn dishonesty, and statistics study is not worth your or my time in any attempt to extract any valid information from it. There is none.
            The study was meant to be a coverup and does a good job of it.

          • Jonathan Graham | April 20, 2016 at 9:05 pm |

            The study does not in any way measure any SIDS death being from or not from any

            If vaccines caused SIDS (or any other form of mortality) you would see more children die closer to the point of vaccination. You don’t – not in < 1 month and not in 0-24 years. Bayes theorem and the law of total probability demand that we reduce the likelihood of your hypothesis because this expectation is not met. Again, this is hypothesis testing 101.

            I'll just point out that by clinging to your SIDS hypothesis in the particular way you are. Is also telling every other vaccine critical person that vaccines are exceptionally unlikely to cause any other kind of mortality. Which is cool, it just adds to the funny mosaic which makes up your subgroup. All of you have ridiculously incompatible views but somehow only direct your ridiculousness outward.

          • Jonathan Graham, if your wild speculation that children do not die soon after being assaulted with non-therapeutic vaccines were true, why aren’t there any studies that prove your wild speculation?
            Studies that convert all data to meaningless person years without also showing the underlying data and studies that include people 85 years old and over might not be the best way to prove your wild speculation.
            Statements from groups like big pharma or big pharma controlled FDA and CDC that have a fiduciary responsibility to lie, cheat, and steal to sell product should also be suspect.

          • Jonathan Graham | April 24, 2016 at 11:25 am |

            Children do die soon after being vaccinated. Just not significantly more than they do a very long time after being vaccinated. The study I handed to you makes that clear. However if vaccines WERE killing people then you would expect there to be a significant difference. Since we don’t Bayes Rule and the law of total probability demands we devalue your hypothesis.

            Studies that convert all data to meaningless person years

            Not all of the data is in person years and person years are not meaningless

            studies that include people 85 years old

            Were not included in any part of the analysis I’m citing. Separate analyses were done for <1 mo and 0-24 years. Which makes me wonder if you've even read this study.

            should also be suspect

            Statements from people like yourself who are insanely biased and don’t understand even the basic elements of statistics and hypothesis testing. Are equally if not more suspect.

          • Jonathan Graham, we know without a doubt that children are dying soon after being assaulted with non-therapeutic vaccines.
            The correlation is so strong that the vaccine court measures in hours from the time of the assault until deaths to block many non-therapeutic vaccine injury claims.
            The vaccine court block most claimants but a few squeak through.
            So far, noone has been even able to define what a person year is or why the range is from zero to 551.61 years. Any study using cover up terms without showing the raw data is not to be trusted. Since there is no data given to be believed, there is nothing in the study to believe.
            The study was referenced as proving that SIDS causing non-therapeutic do not cause SIDS. Including a group of people 85 years old or older mixed in does not seem to fit. Your claim of overlapping “<1 mo and 0-24 years" and many other overlapping does not improve the studies credibility.
            The same for interval days 0-1, 0-7, 0-30, 0-60.
            They overlaps were to cover data so can't be believed.
            Who is more suspect?
            Is it someone that has a fiduciary responsibility to sell product or someone "insanely biased"?
            Is it someone that comes up with absurd studies that bend over backwards to prove nothing or someone that laugh at the absurd studies?
            The other study for SIDS was possibly worse?
            The supposed SIDS only included "individuals ages 9 to 26 years".
            Is it time for someone to drop both absurd studies and find one that addresses the question on whether SIDS causing non-therapeutic TDaP/DTaP/DPT/DTP do or do not cause SIDS. It is an easy question.
            Including people 85 years old or older is okay but not a requirement.
            Including "person years" is okay if real numbers are also presented.
            Having overlapping ages and intervals is okay if non-overlapping ages and non-overlapping intervals are also included.
            In other words, if the only purpose of the study is for a cover up or only contains unsupported opinions with no real data presented, don't ask me to look at it.
            I would welcome you pointing me to a valid study.

          • Jonathan Graham | April 24, 2016 at 3:21 pm |

            we know without a doubt that children are dying soon after being assaulted with non-therapeutic vaccines

            Yes, in the same sense that children are dying soon after watching Paw Patrol. However there isn’t any evidence to suggest that they are dying significantly more than a long time after. Which again your hypothesis expect, hence we must consider your hypothesis not well supported.

            The correlation is so strong that the vaccine court measures in hours from the time of the assault until deaths to block many non-therapeutic vaccine injury claims.

            Lots of problems with your thinking here. a) The presumption that the law is in any way fit to decide an issue of science. It isn’t. b) Even if it was you’re making an elementary error in logic.

            Your claim of overlapping “<1 mo and 0-24 years"

            Actually what I’m saying is your hypothesis EXPECTS (among other things) the <1 mo group to show an inverse relationship between date of vaccination and mortality rates. However in this study that is not seen.

            Now again, if you DO NOT EXPECT this relationship. Please say: "I do not expect this" and we can talk about that. If you DO expect it, then again this study provides sufficient evidence to consider your hypothesis to be devalued.

            Anytime you can answer that question, you lose this argument. Which explains why you are unable to answer this.

          • Jonathan Graham, I only see that the study you keep harping on successfully either covered up data or had no data at all.
            That does not leave much room for discussing the cover-up study.
            If you feel the need to discuss a study, why not try to find one that has information available?

          • Jonathan Graham | April 24, 2016 at 7:57 pm |

            I only see

            What you wish to see, no surprise there.

            the study you keep harping on successfully either covered up data or had no data at all.

            Nothing to cover up, it’s math plain and simple. Either your hypothesis expects mortality to decrease with distance from vaccination or it doesn’t.

            Your criticism is rather plainly made up.

          • Jonathan Graham, neither you nor either study has provided any facts.
            You have not offered any study with facts related to SIDS causing non-therapeutic vaccines causing or not causing SIDS so I assume that there are no such study.
            How many 85 year old or older infants were in the supposed study?
            How many died of SIDS?
            How many did not die of SIDS?
            What was the range of times that the infants died after the being assaulted with SIDS causing non-therapeutic vaccines?
            What was the range of times between assaults of infants that lived?
            If you can translate overlapping intervals and person years into numbers,
            I’m interested.
            If you can’t make sense out of the studies or don’t want to, fine by me.
            Perhaps someone else could provide their expertise.

          • Jonathan Graham | April 25, 2016 at 9:34 am |

            neither you nor either study has provided any facts.

            I sure have.
            It is a fact that your hypothesis EXPECTS there to be an inverse correlation between vaccination and mortality in <1mo.
            It is a fact that this study does not observe that. This is obvious from Figure 1 -in the 0-21 yr range but also from the values calculated for < 1mo.
            It is a fact that you can only provide fictional ideas as to the problems with this study.

            How many 85 year old or older infants were in the supposed study?

            In the analysis we are discussing? This was mentioned in the study. How is it that you have no idea what this number is?

            How many died of SIDS?

            Again, this was mentioned (by proportion) in the study. How is it you don’t know this?

            If you can’t make sense out of the studies or don’t want to, fine by me.

            I can make sense of the study just fine. What doesn’t make sense is your critique – it means nothing. None of the words you are using map to any kind of statistical critique. So you either have to use standard statistical terminology or explain what your made-up terms mean.

            Until then, I think you need someone with some expertise to help translate your made-up issues. Otherwise you might as well be saying that the study’s “”bluzo” isn’t sufficiently “flashist”.

          • Jonathan Graham, if you can make sense of your study, why keep the facts to yourself? We already know your opinion that the study shows something but can you enlighten others with the supposed facts shown versus the opinions shown?
            If you want to keep the hidden facts to yourself, that is your right.
            It also appears to be the intent of the study.
            Even if your opinion is that the moon is made of green cheese, don’t expect me to believe it using a chart with no facts.
            How many 85 year old or older infants were in the supposed study?
            How many died of SIDS?
            How many did not die of SIDS?
            What was the range of times that the infants died after the being assaulted with SIDS causing non-therapeutic vaccines?
            What was the range of times between assaults of infants that lived or before they died?

          • Jonathan Graham | April 25, 2016 at 12:16 pm |

            if you can make sense of your study, why keep the facts to yourself?

            I haven’t I listed the facts in my last post. Did you not read them? I listed three. Each one starts with the words: “It is a fact”.

            If there’s a problem with one of them please cite the specific fact and what you think is wrong with it.

          • Jonathan Graham, your “last post” must have been deleted.
            The one before that only list opinions without data to back them up.
            There, your first so called It’s a fact” start with your opinion with some speculation on what I do or do not expect from the chart.
            In the second “its’s a fact” you say that the study does not give some specific information as you claim that your opinion of the first chart.
            That might be a true fact. Who knows or cares.
            I already stated the lack of information.
            Your third “it’s a fact” has nothing to do with any chart in any study but again goes back to your opinion of what I do or do think.
            Are you just pretending to be dense?
            Wild assertions against anything I posted have nothing to do with the lack of information that anyone so far has been able to decipher from the charts.

          • Jonathan Graham | April 25, 2016 at 2:57 pm |

            There, your first so called It’s a fact” start with your opinion with some speculation on what I do or do not expect from the chart.

            Sorry, you misread – this happens to you a lot . What I’m saying is the hypothesis you expressed “Vaccines cause SIDS” EXPECTS an observation which should be visible from the chart. This is a fact. Please adjust your remark to properly counter your misreading of my post.

            you say that the study does not give some specific information

            The chart either follows a pattern of inverse linear relationship or it does not. It’s pretty easy to see if you read the study. If you haven’t I’d say you can have no useful opinion here. Please adjust your critique to properly address that you are making it from a position of ignorance.

            Your third “it’s a fact” has nothing to do with any chart in any study but again goes back to your opinion of what I do or do think.

            Sorry this is your poor reading again. There is simply nothing you have said that you could find said precisely the same way by a professional statistician criticizing a study. So again, either rephrase using standard terminology or explain what your made-up terms mean.

          • Jonathan Graham, your posts are getting sillier and sillier.
            If you ever find a study with proof of your opinion, would you be so kind as to let everyone know.
            If you prefer to continue to post drivel, please do.
            We all need a good laugh sometimes.

          • Jonathan Graham | April 25, 2016 at 5:06 pm |

            Jonathan Graham, you still won’t or can’t define phrases like “person years”

            Such a definition is unnecessary to make my point that this study rather strongly devalues the hypothesis that vaccines cause SIDS. As I’m not talking about person years and neither is the part of the study I’m referencing. Which you’d know if you read it.

            If you ever find a study with proof of your opinion

            “proof” is a poorly defined term. What I posted was a study which – if you read it and you understand a little bit about statistics – strongly devalues the hypothesis that vaccines cause SIDS.

            If you ever find words of criticism for this study that actually referent logical or statistical concepts. I’d love to hear it. Until you do I guess you lost this one.

          • Jonathan Graham, you have managed another silly post. You’re getting good at silly.
            If you can’t find anything in either study that you pointed to post that is relevant to the discussion, I surely won’t try.

          • Jonathan Graham | April 25, 2016 at 7:21 pm |

            If you can’t find anything in either study that you pointed to post that is relevant to the discussion,

            I did. As stated before:

            i) It’s a fact that the hypothesis that vaccines cause SIDS carries an expectation that you would observe a inverse relationship between mortality and days from a vaccine. Your rebuttal to this: Nothing.

            ii) It’s is also a fact that looking at Figure 1 you can see this isn’t the case for children 0-24, nor is it in the <1 month calculation and in any other figure calculated in the study. Your rebuttal to this: Nothing.

            iii) It is also a fact that Bayes Rule and the law of total probability require that any hypothesis much have it’s likelihood devalued when it’s expectation is not met. Your rebuttal to this: Nothing, it’s possible you are trying to think but that could just be the neighbors burning something on their bbq.

            i) is necessary for the hypothesis, ii) is clear by simple inspection of the study – the fact that you refuse to read the study you think you are critiquing is pretty silly – and iii) is obvious if you has something more than elementary math.

            I’m happy to explain any of these further if you are having trouble reading or understanding.

          • Jonathan Graham, the fact that you keep pushing studies with no relevant data means that any rebuttable is not needed or possible.
            Since you can’t make any sense out of the studies that you push, I certainly won’t try.

          • Jonathan Graham | April 26, 2016 at 9:37 am |

            studies with no relevant data

            The only way the data in the study is not relevant is if you assert that the hypothesis that vaccines cause SIDS carries no expectation whatsoever that you would observe a inverse relationship between mortality and days from a vaccine. Is that what you are asserting? If not, then clearly the study has data which shows which direction this relationship goes. It doesn’t matter if you are to frightened to read the study or not.

          • He does that. Nonsense becomes nonsense squared with the Ham Man.

          • He’s not pretending. I’m concerned he has recently overcome a serious head injury.

          • I don’t know if you’re familiar with doctor Archie Kalokerinos but his observations proved that vaccines ARE the cause of SIDS.
            Dr. Archie Kalokerinos took his medical degree from
            Sydney University in 1951 and then spent six years in England. On his return to Australia
            he was appointed Medical Superintendent of Collarenebri Hospital where he served until
            1975. He is a Life Fellow of the Royal Society for Health, a Fellow of the International
            Academy of Preventive Medicine, Fellow of the Australasian College of Biomedical
            Scientists, Fellow of the Hong Kong Medical Technology Association, and a Member of the
            New York Academy of Sciences. In 1978 he was awarded the A.M.M. (Australian Medal of
            Merit) for ‘outstanding scientific research’. Dr. Kalokerinos has authored a book with
            profound orthomolecular medicine implications entitled ‘Every Second Child’, as well as
            many scientific papers.

          • Yea but he’s no Bill Gates ….snicker

          • Mike Stevens | April 21, 2016 at 5:28 am |

            You seem to not grasp what a “person year” is and why this gives more information than simple numbers of patients.
            The study didn’t measure “persons” in person years, it measured the relevant outcome (death) in person years of follow up.

          • Mike Stevens, so after recording who was assaulted with a non-therapeutic vaccines the study claims to have “followed-up” on the victims with deaths occurring on average anywhere from 0 to 551.61 person years.
            I assume that some more will die after the more than five centuries study concluded.
            I assume that your definition of “person years” that includes the phrase “person years” that the definition is defining is incorrect or non-therapeutic vaccines have been killing people centuries before people were non-intelligent enough to use them.
            If there was nothing to hide, then why not include the number of victims assaulted, the number of victims that died, and how soon after being assaulted did they die?

          • Mike Stevens | April 24, 2016 at 11:23 am |

            I was right, you haven’t the faintest idea what a “person year” is, or why it might be used.

          • Mike Stevens,
            You appear to not have the faintest idea what a “person year” is and certainly can’t define one.
            Perhaps the purpose of data being translated to what you cannot define is a really good way to cover up information? Works for me.

          • If you bothered reading information that wasn’t biased towards the pharmaceutical companies ( your employers ) you would see that SIDS deaths due to vaccines were common in some parts of the world. Take the experiences of doctor Archie Kalokerinos who while working among the aborigines in Australia saw as many as half the aboriginal babies die after being vaccinated. That Johnny is what is called SIDS.

          • Jonathan Graham | October 14, 2016 at 7:37 pm |

            You mean the guy who said:

            I am not against immunisations. My own life was saved by them and even as I type this manuscript there is a newsflash concerning some Aboriginal infants in Sydney who have died from diphtheria. Immunisations would have saved them

            If you actually read his book you would see that despite his conviction that vaccines produce a vitamin C deficiency (which you would have to be pretty dumb to believe). He didn’t actually do any research at all, in fact he didn’t even observe many children. It was all conjecture.

          • Just like the U.S. non-therapeutic polio vaccines had absolutely no benefit but caused polio, caused three previously unknown or previously rare cancers and is one of the two possible non-therapeutic vaccines that started the U.S. version of AIDS in 1958, allopaths took many diseases to Australian Aboriginal infants.
            That is, Allopathic sales-droids are responsible for killing native Australians just like they do in many other places.
            P.S. The polysorbate 80 in the non-therapeutic TDaP vaccine never caused extreme widespread fertility reduction. I suspect that people assaulted with it were either too young or too old to be affected as much as wanted.
            Non-therapeutic HPV vaccines seem to do there job better.
            Teen pregnancy is way down.
            See, non-therapeutic vaccine goal of population reduction is obtainable.

          • Jonathan Graham | October 14, 2016 at 8:47 pm |

            See, non-therapeutic vaccine goal of population reduction is obtainable.

            Vaccines are neither designed for population reduction nor is it even a plausible outcome. Reductions in teen pregnancy are better explained through education.

          • Do you not believe Mr. non-therapeutic vaccine eugenicist Bill Gates?
            His video of population reduction claims that non-therapeutic vaccines should be used to reduce populations.
            Assuming that he misspoke, then why is polysorbate 80 added to non-therapeutic TDaP and non-therapeutic HPV vaccines?
            If you know of any reason to assault children by injecting polysorbate 80 into them other than fertility reduction, please let the world know.
            It’s working so well but some added benefit for allopathy, which means harm for the victim, would be nice.
            Children still spend plenty of time in government indoctrination centers in the U.S. but are less educated than earlier generations.
            Since the U.S. teen pregnancy rate is multiples of some other countries, does that mean that they have better government indoctrination centers than the U.S.?

          • Jonathan Graham | October 14, 2016 at 10:37 pm |

            Do you not believe Mr. non-therapeutic vaccine eugenicist Bill Gates?

            Well Bill Gates said

            First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent, but there we see an increase of about 1.3.

            So a) There are a lot of things being mentioned there including reproductive heath services – that is birth control. b) He’s talking about the decrease in the rate of growth and c) This is something that is correlated with increasing child survival.

            If you know of any reason to assault children by injecting polysorbate 80 into them other than fertility reduction, please let the world know.

            It’s used as an excipient and the dose is something like 50mcg. The reasons that you wouldn’t attempt to reduce population this way is that the dosing is completely wrong. Even if you assume that murine experiments are analogous to humans in this respect. You end up with a dose that is hundreds to thousands times lower than any research showing anything to do with reproductive problems.

          • The WHO was caught sterilizing women in third world countries using the tetanus vaccine to inject them with HCG. This happened twice and ONLY women were given that shot. I’ll gladly supply links if need be.

          • shay simmons | October 16, 2016 at 1:12 pm |

            My post containing the link went into moderation — so go ahead and google ANALYSIS: Why does an old, false claim about tetanus vaccine safety refuse to die?

            It starts with “An old rumour that a tetanus vaccine causing infertility in women is resurfacing, this time in West Africa. Vinayak Bhardwaj explains – as many others have over the last 20 years – why this claim is false and why it’s important to keep debunking it.”

            The origin of the story is LifeSite news. ‘Nuff said.

          • Not a false claim ( although you wish it was ) The first time this happened was in 1992 and it was discovered by Human Life International ( a Catholic human rights organization ) and when they confronted the World Health Organization about the vaccine the WHO denied this was being done. So HLI had the tetanus vaccine analyzed by 5 different labs and they all came to the same conclusion. When the WHO was confronted with those results they remained silent.

          • shay simmons | October 17, 2016 at 2:33 pm |

            Citation needed (your whacko conspiracy looney fundie sites don’t count).

          • shaynus = zero credibility

          • So after a month of searching for citations, you couldn’t find any, so you go with shay has no credibility. Well done!

          • Thanks bro!

          • Yea when has Big Pharma EVER denied anything?

          • Just because Mr. non-therapeutic vaccine eugenicist Bill Gates also mentioned two other ways to reduce population, you pretend that he didn’t include the one he pushes the most. Mr. non-therapeutic vaccine eugenicist Bill Gates and I agree on one thing. That is that one of the major purposes of non-therapeutic vaccines is to reduce population. That comes after causing other harm to increase allopathic income.
            Non-therapeutic vaccines do not and cannot cure anything.
            They are not designed to cure anything in a person or a population.
            Non-therapeutic are designed to increase allopathic income.
            As for the dose of polysorbate 80, it is working. U.S. teen pregnancy have been reduced to be less than half of what was previously reported.
            Only having polysorbate 80 in non-therapeutic vaccines like TDaP didn’t reduce population as much as wanted but polysorbate 80 in non-therapeutic HPV is doing the job better. Still not 100%, but better. Fertility in the U.S. is at an all time low.
            Fertility clinics have become commonplace in U.S. cities.
            You can’t argue with success.
            P.S. My opinion on the elite trying to cut Earths population from over 7 billion to less than 500 million to only include them and their slaves remaining is sick.
            Earth can comfortably support what we have and a thousand times that amount.
            Yes, I’m claiming that more than 7 Trillion people can share the Earth.
            Mother Teresa:
            “How can there be too many children?
            That is like saying there are too many flowers.”
            We need to stop allopathy from crippling and killing us and our children.

          • Jonathan Graham | October 15, 2016 at 1:14 pm |

            you pretend that he didn’t include the one he pushes the most.

            Nope, but you see in order to see that would require you to read. Which you don’t seem very keen to do. Reducing mortality, reduces birth rate.

            As for the dose of polysorbate 80, it is working.

            It’s simply impossible for that to be true – you are getting exposure to that from so many other sources in so much higher quantities that the microscopic amount in a vaccine couldn’t have any effect. Not to mention that we already know the level that’s required to act as a contraceptive and this is literally millions of times lower. So you’ve refuted your own argument – if it’s strong enough to act at 11 million times lower than the published amount then vaccines can’t contribute significantly. Not to mention that like any injected or oral contraceptive it would wear off. So how strong does this have to be to not only have effect but sufficient effect to last more than a few hours? Progesterone for example requires 200 mg doses taken daily for thirty days before you can even count on it to have any useful effect. Which means that polysorbate 80 – something you get from makeup, ice cream, etc has to be 240,000 x more potent than progesterone. In order for the 50 mcg to provide even a month of coverage.

            So the chemistry simply says “no”.

            U.S. teen pregnancy have been reduced to be less than half of what was previously reported.

            Wow, something at some unspecified point in the the past is different than it is today? How convincing! Again most of the drop in teen pregnancy happened in the US between 1991 and 2011. So Gardasil introduced in 2008 – had virtually no effect on that rate.

            Please learn to do a simple regression analysis before you post again.

          • Why do I need to read Mr. non-therapeutic vaccine eugenicist Bill Gates’ video?
            Videos are not normally considered reading material.
            He made it clear. non-therapeutic vaccines reduce birth rates. I believe him.
            Why else would he be causing so much grief in so many countries?
            Crippling, sterilization, and killing people may encourage them to try to have more children but don’t expect them to be able to. Your way, eugenicists win.
            Current non-therapeutic HPV vaccine’s polysorbate 80 dose is reducing fertility now. It is working great for eugenicists.
            You can try to claim that ingested doses are the same as injected doses as much as you like but that doesn’t change how polysorbate 80 works.
            If smaller doses were ever wanted, then switch to HCG to induce menopause in early teens. That works great too for eugenicists.
            I’ll go with your strange picked years of 1991 to 2011 and you noting that one of the non-therapeutic HPV vaccines was introduced when I indicated that polysorbate 80 reduced fertility even more.
            So what is your argument now.
            Even your picked numbers match what was stated.

          • Jonathan Graham | October 15, 2016 at 9:15 pm |

            Why do I need to read

            Well now you definitely need some comprehension skills. See you were talking about me in the sentence that I quoted. Hence one would normally expect that what you needed to read was my post which you didn’t or at least not very carefully.

            Current non-therapeutic HPV vaccine’s polysorbate 80 dose is reducing fertility now.

            Sorry that’s just something you made up. Chemistry says you’re wrong.

            You can try to claim that ingested doses are the same as injected doses

            I don’t have to. We know[1] that 90% gets excreted however since you’re talking about thousands to millions of times the dose. You will easily reach the same levels as an injected dose.

            I’ll go with your strange picked years of 1991 to 2011

            They’re not stranger or picked, if you look at the CDC graphs of teenage pregnancy. They are the inflection points.

            Even your picked numbers match what was stated.

            Actually it’s the opposite. HPV can not be responsible for any decline in teenage pregnancy IF the mechanism is polysorbate 80. There is too much and too little response. Remember you are claiming this is 40 000x stronger than progesterone. You haven’t be able to show a consistent factor between the dose, the timing, or the outcome.

            [1]Evaluation Report of Food Additives, Polysorbates, Food Safety Commission 2007

          • Gates support experimentation on the poor obviously. I wonder how often he’s offered to use his children? Its like senators in favor of war not sending their children to be maimed and killed.

          • polysorbate 80 is found in pickles and I recently saw it listed in vitamins sold at WalMart

          • Tell us who has more medical training, Gates or Wakefield et al? Gates isn’t a doctor or vaccine researcher is he?

          • Buh Wah Ha Ha We should be so lucky. Even your parents may have made a better choice.

          • He and a well respected biochemist and microbiologist ( Glenn Dettman ) did extensive research and their conclusion was correct: That these babies who died were borderline scorbutic and that the vaccines depleted what little vitamin C they had which led to their death. He proved this was the case because by supplementing with vitamin C before vaccinating NONE died. And if you kept researching you would have seen, after doing more research, he also said;” The further I looked into it the more shocked I became. I found out the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instance of these diseases you will realize that this is not so.” Johnny your refuting this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you ARE a paid representative of the pharmaceutical industry. I keep a record of your answers and use them very effectively I might add to show people the degree people like yourself will go to to support the maiming of our kids through vaccines. Anxiously waiting for your reply.

          • Jonathan Graham | October 15, 2016 at 7:41 am |

            He and a well respected biochemist and microbiologist did extensive research

            Not in that book they didn’t. I mean, if you actually read it – but why would you do that. The line you quote is from an interview which doesn’t say he did “extensive research” he said he “looked into it”. So this isn’t him actually doing science, it’s just him confirming his existing biases.

            Johnny your refuting this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you ARE a paid representative of the pharmaceutical industry.

            Because I took the time to read something and you just make crap up?

            I keep a record of your answers and use them very effectively

            Sorry Ron, I doubt you even are able to read my responses effectively.

            Anxiously waiting for your reply.

            Great! As I said making you look like an idiot is win/win. 🙂

          • As always Hammy testifies and claims no one but he reads or researches anything. He sits on a mound of bullcrap daring us to knocked him off it.

          • I thought he recommended Vit C before vaccination?

          • That was the Vitamin C thing wasn’t it?

          • Andrew Lazarus | April 25, 2016 at 1:47 pm |

            The evidence says that whatever increased risk is run in the days immediately after the shot is more than made up for by decreased risk for all the time afterward. SIDS is less likely to strike vaccinated babies.

          • Andrew Lazarus, people have posted before that they have read opinions like that.
            The question now is to find the data that the biased opinions that they read about came from.
            Where is the evidence. Is the evidence only it two unreadable charts in one study or is there real evidence?

          • Yep they play research games. A British study set out to show there were as many people with autism over 40 as there are under 40. They used 18 year olds as some of the over 40 group. Imagine them being so blatantly dishonest. Other studies include vaccinated children in unvaccinated categories.

        • That makes little sense. “children are healthier the closer to their vaccination date” What is that? Where’s you science proving such a thing…whatever it is.

      • What are you talking about? What is a non therapeutic vaccine? No one destroyed any data. Are oyu talking about the Hooker/Wakefield tapes? That data was stored on servers and harddrives. It was never destroyed. You cannot destroy data by putting one set of papers in a trashcan. That is ridiculous. If that happened at all, and I doubt they put anything in a trashcan, they would have shred every paper copy and purged the servers of all digital copies.

        • Kathy, non-therapeutic vaccines are the opposite of therapeutic vaccines.
          Therapeutic vaccine attempt to treat an issue.
          Non-therapeutic vaccines are to address what doesn’t exist.
          Therapeutic vaccines might help you if you are bitten by a rabid animal or get horse manure in a cut.
          Non-therapeutic vaccines have never been proven to cure anything because they were not designed to treat or cure anything.
          In over two hundreds of trying, non-therapeutic have never been proven to be helpful except to the bottom line for allopathic “medicine”.
          Non-therapeutic vaccines have caused much misery and some death.
          I said that, ” The CDC data showed otherwise so they destroyed their data and lied in the study’s report.”. which has nothing to do with Wakefield being railroaded.
          I also did not state if the CDC was successful in destroying all copies of their data.
          Perhaps your reading comprehension was affected by a non-therapeutic vaccine?

          • I don’t appreciate the semantics game you are playing. You are trying to make preventative vaccines seem like a bad idea. Vaccines are the reason millions of people don’t get VPDs every single year in every single country where they are used.

          • Non-therapeutic vaccines cause much more issue than they could prevent assuming that they ever prevented anything.
            Still no proof that they prevented anything after two hundred years of trying.
            If non-therapeutic vaccines were effective, providing proof would be easy.
            For example, the U.S. and most countries treat all human waste so polio cannot spread. Million of U.S. children get a forced non-therapeutic polio vaccine every year.
            How is the forced non-therapeutic polio vaccine preventing a disease that can’t spread in the U.S.?
            Hint: it can’t.
            Does the non-therapeutic attenuated virus MMR vaccine prevent measles?
            Ignore that it’s purpose is to give a measles, mumps, and rubella infection.
            Outbreaks of measles include many that had the non-therapeutic attenuated virus MMR vaccine. Normally 50% to 60% but one outbreak in Canada, it was 99%.
            Mumps is worse. People previously assaulted with the non-therapeutic MMR vaccine have a greater chance of getting mumps than those not assaulted.
            How’s that for protection.
            How’s that for Ha Ha herd immunity Ha Ha.
            Whether you lump all non-therapeutic vaccines together or examine them separately, the only people that benefit from them is allopathic “medicine”.
            A little profit from the initial assault and much profit from the results. Billions.
            Allopathic “medicine” eats up more than one-sixth of the U.S. economy and has damage from non-therapeutic vaccine contributing its share.

          • Mike Stevens | April 21, 2016 at 5:12 am |

            Look up the difference between attenuated live virus vaccines and wild- type viruses sometime.
            You clearly don’t understand the immunology involved in these responses and the epidemiology of disease outbreaks.

          • Mike Stevens, nothing to look up.
            Both wild viruses and attenuated viruses are viruses.
            Both wild viruses and attenuated viruses can cause disease.
            Both wild viruses and attenuated viruses can spread to other hosts.
            The attenuated viruses are altered versions of wild viruses to not generally cause symptoms but with the dream that attenuated viruses could spark some immunity.
            The wild virus caused diseases generally do show symptoms.
            If you had your choice, would you want a disease with or with symptoms?
            Possibly the same damage, just not knowing what you had.
            You clearly don’t understand that in over two hundred years of trying, there is not one believable study that prove that non-therapeutic vaccines have any benefit to anyone other that the bank accounts of allopathic “medicine”. Okay, they help people to grow accustomed to being controlled which you could say is a benefit to the people trying to control others.
            Did you really mean to promote viruses to now have the ability to be alive or by implication, the ability to be dead?
            “attenuated live virus”

          • Mike deflection Stevens at work

          • Sonja Henie | April 20, 2016 at 10:01 pm |

            There are just too many total whacks on here right now. I can’t handle them!

          • I am just going to ignore both users who’s names begin with A, from now on.

          • Well we won’t ignore you Pharma plant.

          • AutismDadd | April 26, 2016 at 4:49 pm |

            Be sure to count yourself as one.

          • AutismDadd | April 26, 2016 at 4:49 pm |

            Of course you don’t because it shows what a fool you are.

          • Poor Kathy her precious vaccines aren’t perfect so she is having a meltdown.

        • As we see Kathy has a conniption if you diss vaccines.

      • No data was destroyed. If you are referring to the “whistleblower” manufactoversy, no data was destroyed. There was no fraud. The paper copies of data was, perhaps, put into a waste basket for shredding, but every scientist in the study had copies on his or her harddrive, it was on the MADDS server (the original source for the data) and backed up on the CDC server. It was never destroyed at all. As Thompson’s official statement declares, this was a difference of opinion about how the data was analyzed. It has since been analyzed by other scientists, including a PhD autism researcher with an autistic child, and the original analysis stands strong. There is no isolated autism. There is no greater risk for African American boys between the age of 24-36 months. It has all been debunked. Quite thoroughly. This blog post has been tracking all the claims and the facts since the story broke 22 months ago.

        www dot harpocratesspeaks dot com/2014/09/mmr-cdc-and-brian-hooker-media-guide.html

        • Kathy, again, you are referring to bias opinions from websites trying to cover-up what was already announced.
          It was William W. Thompson that got caught with his pants down and was forced to make a statement to cover his rear.
          The statement released through his mouthpiece started with:


          My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998.

          I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.”
          “omitted statistically significant information”
          “were at increased risk for autism”
          “after the data were collected”
          “the final study protocol was not followed”
          The statement then switched to opinion for more rear covering, but that was too late.
          It is also too late for you to post links to pages after pages trying twist the already released fact to match the bias opinions.

          • It’s been thoroughly debunked.

          • I can use my bias opinions to debunk the bias opinions of the previous debunkers.
            Neither of the bias opinions debunking can go back in history and change the facts.
            Dr. William W. Thompson got caught. That is a fact.
            People now know that:
            1. Without a doubt, non-therapeutic attenuated virus MMR vaccine has been added to the list of vaccines that cause autism.
            2. Without a doubt, non-therapeutic attenuated virus MMR vaccine causes more autism in African American children when assaulted between ages 24 months and 36 months.
            3. The CDC claimed to have a hard time getting birth certificates.
            4. Protocol was changed after results were found in an attempt to cover up findings.

    • Kathy the Queen of Denial

    • Kathy a misinformation shill.

  16. I like the cute 1920s signs but by the 1950s, measles was harming few.
    The last person to die while they had measles had the non-therapeutic attenuated virus vaccine type of measles, was in a hospital for other reasons, and it was probable that the other issues and her old age that killed her. There was a report of one person dying of measles in Germany a year or two ago.
    While, I believe in people being requested to quarantine themselves when they have anything that may be contagious through casual contact, by the 1950s, measles was no longer enough of a threat that anyone except me to care.
    For your other cute posters:
    The non-therapeutic attenuated virus smallpox vaccine was causing too much disease but had no benefit so was discontinued in the U.S. in 1974.
    Most whooping cough occurs in populations that assault people with non-therapeutic vaccines the most. I don’t know why the assault affect the entire community but they do.
    Viral polio ability to spread was stopped in the U.S. in the 1950s by insuring that all human waste was treated.
    Chemical polio was stopped by banning the insecticides that caused it. DDT was not the most toxic but it probably caused most of the chemical polio.
    Diphtheria has about died out in the U.S. like all infectious diseases eventually do and treatment is available.
    If you ever find someone with diphtheria, please advise self quarantine.
    Tell them that their self quarantine would make me happy.

    • Not true about measles in the 50s. Incidence was higher in the 50s than ever before. Death rate was lower, due to antibiotics and other meds, but deafness and encephalitis and pneumonia were still affecting tens of thousands of Americans a year. Same in all western countries. Here is USA data. Measles incidence was 289/ 100,000 in 1912 and 310 cases/100,000 in 1953-62.

      jid dot oxfordjournals dot org/content/189/Supplement_1/S17.long

      • Kathy, I did not say or imply whether we had fewer or more measles cases in the 1950s.
        By the 1950s, death rates had declined by more than 90% to almost nothing.
        That was long before anyone was assaulted with any non-therapeutic measles vaccine.
        I’ll clue you. Antibiotics did not stop viral measles or viral anything else.
        I’ll leave to your imagination to decide what stopped measles, if it was nutrition, more knowledge about avoiding communicable disease, better sanitary condition, or just time for measles to burn out like all infectious agents eventually do.

        • I would highly recommend you look into taking the Coursera courses on vaccines. You will learn a lot. Have a nice day.

          • Kathy, isn’t Dr. Paul Offit to one that is making the money from the non-therapeutic rotavirus vaccine that has killed so many infants with intussusception?
            Is his income from selling the deadly non-therapeutic rotavirus vaccine now so low that he has to give non-therapeutic vaccine brain-washing courses?
            Should we be sad that someone like him has fallen so low?
            P.S. I’ll pass on the course.

          • No, Dr Offit, along with colleagues, Drs Stanley and Clark, spent 25 years researching and developing a vaccine for rotavirus. Three vaccines have been developed, over the years, and the one they developed is one of two excellent vaccines currently in use. They never wanted to patent it but that is part of how things work these days. They shared a few million dollars, as co-inventors, and sold the patent to CHOP. A few million each is hardly a big deal compared to 25 years working hard, never knowing a vaccine would work or not. Their vaccines saves millions of lives a year and prevents hundreds of millions of rota infections every year, internationally.

            The rotavirus vaccine with the intussusception risk that was deemed to high was removed from the market years ago.

          • Kathy, I still don’t care to attend any course/sales pitch from people that openly killed children. They might get a few more while I’m listening to the sales pitch.
            Who was the risk “too high” for?
            Tell that to the parents falling into your less than “too high” group.
            Also tell them that no non-therapeutic vaccine has ever been proven effective,
            also tell them that the risk of their child getting rotavirus was low, and
            also tell them that the chance of actually dying from the rotavirus even lower.
            P.S. I still plan to pass on the course/sales pitch.

    • Smallpox vaccine was discontinued because we had conquered small pox. Ever hear of cases anymore. Nope! Thanks to the vaccine.

      Polio rate was very high in 1950s, when we had treated waste water and clean water in almost all homes.

      There is no such thing as chemical polio. Try looking at the countries that today use DDT to fight mosquitoes and, yet, have no polio.

      Diphtheria and rubella were conquered by vaccines. Rubella has been eradicated from all of the Americas, tip to tip. As of 2015. It’s quite an accomplishment.

      The problem wish self quarantine is that most of these diseases are contagious before you realize what you have. So, you spread them around BEFORE you can quarantine. That’s why vaccines are so marvelous.

      • Kathy, you have it backwards.
        The non-therapeutic attenuated virus smallpox vaccine was discontinued not for lack of disease but because it was becoming too clear to the public that it caused disease. In addition, it was also clear to anyone looking that the non-therapeutic attenuated virus smallpox vaccine provided no benefit except to allopathic “medicine” bank accounts.
        Viral polio rate dropped in the 1950s to almost zero because as we were being forced to treat all human waste during the 1950s. No, your implied viral polio should stop before we demanded all human waste be treated didn’t happen.
        Carts do not normally go before the horse.
        It wasn’t “in almost all homes”, the ability of polio to spread was with all, that is all human excrements from all homes. Note the use of the words “all” and “from”.
        “no such thing as chemical polio”. I won’t even touch that one.
        It is too sick to even be funny.
        If “Diphtheria and rubella were conquered by vaccines” were true, then why in over two hundred of trying, no non-therapeutic vaccine has been proven effective.
        It would seem like an easy task to me to prove effectiveness if there was any.
        Not everyone will know that they have been exposed to a contagious disease but enough will know and self-quarantine to stop the spread of the disease.
        If the disease is deadly, people would be more knowledgeable.
        If the disease is a nothing disease like the measles, less so.
        I only have a few issues with your marvelous non-therapeutic vaccines:

        1. People are being forced to have their children and themselves assaulted with non-therapeutic vaccines.
        Don’t claim that there isn’t any force.
        Public and private schools force.
        Hospitals force their patients and their workers.
        Criminal organizations like the so-called CPS use force.
        Divorce courts use force.
        Even the police have used force.
        FEMA already has plans.
        2. Non-therapeutic have never been proven to be effective.
        3. Non-therapeutic vaccines have been proven to be both harmful and deadly.

        • Here is the history of smallpox vaccine

          http://pediatrics dot aappublications dot org/content/110/4/841

          • Kathy, does the bias opinions at that site follow the bias opinions of the people that published it trying to fulfill their fiduciary duty?
            Or is it based on facts no matter how good, bad, or ugly?
            Because of your history of posting unscrupulous web sites links,
            I’ll pass up this one.

          • Pediatrics is a highly esteemed medical journal.

            You consider valid science unscrupulous? Therein lies the problem and the reason we mandate vaccines. Because of people like you. We have to save people from their own poor choices.

          • Kathy, based on your history of posting unscrupulous web sites links, I’ll still pass.
            There is a different from accepting valid scientific data and for falling for bias opinions from an industry that is making hundreds of billion of U.S. dollars every year with a fiduciary responsibility to lie, cheat, and steal.
            There is too much money involved for them to give or allow truthful information.
            Careful, you are admitting that non-therapeutic vaccines are mandated.
            It was you that stated, “No vaccines are forced in USA.”.
            You actually came up with that unbelievable statement.
            As for poor choices, I believe that we were healthier in the 1950s and health care was cheaper so we were richer. We were also much freer.
            The U.S. is consuming about half the FDA dope of the world with only about 5% of the population.
            The U.S. has the most non-therapeutic vaccine assaults against children by far.
            The U.S. has the worst infant mortality rate of any developed country.
            The U.S. has the worst longevity of any developed country.
            We have high birth defect rates, high asthma rates, high autism rates, high egg allergy rates, high peanut allergy rate ( from close to zero to now over three million victims ), high ADHD rates, and high too many other thing rates.
            With the U.S. being at the bottom of the barrel, are you certain that allopathic “medicine” isn’t fulfilling their fiduciary responsibility to lie to you?
            Would it be better to separate bias opinions from hard data?

          • It is a shame you don’t want to learn.

          • Kathy, I learned that you switch from:
            “No vaccines are forced in USA.”
            “we mandate vaccines”.
            I learned you consider it “unscrupulous” when someone prefers
            “scientific data”
            “bias opinions”.
            I learned that you consider it “semantics game” when people use words like
            “non-therapeutic” and “therapeutic” to describe the basic types of vaccines.
            I learned that you push signing up for a non-therapeutic vaccine course/sales pitch without warning that it is being given by someone responsible for killing many innocent babies.
            I wouldn’t say that you are a reasonable teacher, but certainly entertaining.

          • semantics (n.) “science of meaning in language,” 1893, from French sémantique (1883); see semantic (also see -ics). Replaced semasiology (1847), from German Semasiologie (1829), from Greek semasia “signification, meaning.”

            force (v.) c. 1300, forcen, also forsen, “exert force upon (an adversary),” from Old French forcer “conquer by violence,” from force “strength, power, compulsion” (see force
            (n.)). From early 14c. as “to violate (a woman), to rape.” From c. 1400
            as “compel by force, constrain (someone to do something).” Meaning
            “bring about by unusual effort” is from 1550s. Card-playing sense is
            from 1746 (whist). Related: Forced; forcing.

            mandate (v.) 1620s, “to command,” from mandate
            (n.). Meaning “to delegate authority, permit to act on behalf of a
            group” is from 1958; used earlier in the context of the League of
            Nations, “to authorize a power to control a certain territory for some
            specified purpose” (1919). Related: Mandated; mandating.

            from etymology online.

            you are welcome

          • Lindaxox | May 2, 2016 at 2:45 pm |

            You don’t have to save anyone but if you insist then go save the 250,000 per year that die from medical intervention and prescribed drugs.

          • You are quoting Mercola. He made that up. If you look at US stats on mortality, there is no listing for “died from drugs prescribed to them.”

          • I suggest that you check the FDA Adverse Reaction web pages:
            FAERS Reporting by Patient Outcomes by Year

            2015(Q1) 44,693…253,017 ( only three months )
            Note, the numbers are only for hospital patients given FDA approved dope in an FDA approved manner.

            Now add people that FDA approved dope used in an FDA prescribed manner killing people at home.
            Now add over 100,000 reported allopathic sales-droid errors per year causing death.
            Now add the estimated 70,000 to 120,000 per year reported patient hospital acquired infections that caused death.
            Now add all the hospital acquired infections that caused visitor deaths.
            Note, the one I acquired did not cause death for me. At least not yet.
            Now add all of the hospital acquired infections that were spread to other people after the patient took it home.
            Keep adding and soon you will end up with some big numbers.

          • Lindaxox | May 2, 2016 at 2:43 pm |

            Smallpox was never eradicated by vaccines, impossible because only 10% of the world was ever vaccinated

          • That extra 90% is herd immunity bonus!

          • Small pox was not endemic in all countries. In endemic countries, the WHO goal was to vaccinate as close to 80% of the population as possible. That was achieved in most of those countries and that is why we eradicated it.

      • Lol you need some more reading. Was scarlet fever, cholera and thyroid also irradicated by vaccines?

        • Lindaxox, please add malaria to your list.
          I like the way that we got rid of malaria in the U.S.
          Empting stagnant water, using mosquito oil on other water, and spraying DDT that many children loved following the DDT clouds behind the trucks with only a few getting chemical polio from the DDT.

  17. Another cute poster. You are full of them.
    The poster is obviously from “Protecting Children and Communities through Vaccination – Global Network” that makes big bucks pushing non-therapeutic vaccines.
    And why not? Allopathic “medicine” sucks in over one-sixth of the U.S. economy.
    People have a fiduciary responsibility to lie, cheat, and steal to push non-therapeutic vaccines for billions of U.S. dollar income. Some income for the jab and billions more to treat and treat and treat the results.
    I don’t know how “Protecting Children and Communities through Vaccination – Global Network” manipulated the numbers. It could be because they are using different diagnosis, different vaccine schedules, different non-therapeutic TDaP/DTaP/DPT/DTP vaccines, or a host of other reasons.
    The real question is where are the studies that back up their financially bias opinion?
    Why were the two specific years picked instead of all years from at least ten years before the first SIDS causing non-therapeutic vaccine to some current year?

  18. SV40 has been found in cancer tumors but there is no evidence it causes cancer. None. Thoroughly studied. All the evidence is linked in this blog post.

    www dot skepticalraptor dot com/skepticalraptorblog.php/polio-vaccines-cancer-debunking-myth/

    • Thanks. I knew that. I really wanted to see somitcw stumble for a while on that, so the lurkers could see what nonsense that is.

      • Sonja Henie, it wasn’t me that stumbled.
        Allopathic “medicine” has a fiduciary duty to lie, cheat, and steal to sell product.
        It is they that has stumbled.
        While allopathic “medicine” have expended great effort and much money to cover up SV40 causing three new or previously rare types of cancer, the information is still out there for anyone looking for it to find.
        Yes, allopathic “medicine” could rig their own studies but so far has been unable to completely cover up less bias studies.

    • Kathy, you found an opinion piece trying to explain away SV40 cancers caused by non-therapeutic vaccines.
      After the vaccine developers admitted on video that non-therapeutic vaccines do cause cancer, it is too late for your silly opinion piece to change the facts.
      After fast-acting SV40 was removed from non-therapeutic vaccines in 1963 for the specific reason that SV40 causes cancer, it is too late for your silly opinion piece to change the facts.
      After SV40 cancers continued in 1997 and the slow-acting SV40 was found to still be in the non-therapeutic vaccines requiring a switch to a different non-therapeutic vaccine to stop the SV40 cancers in new victims, it is too late for your silly opinion piece to change the facts.
      Note: we also switched because the 1997 non-therapeutic polio vaccine provided absolutely no benefit other than to allopathic back accounts and caused enough disease that the disease was becoming obvious to the public.

  19. Vaccine mandates do not violate Nuremburg because you can decline to vaccinate and you are fully informed before you vaccinate.

    • Kathy, that is multiple dishonesties from the pit of Hades.
      Not all people are not allowed to decline vaccination.
      From one of my previous posts:
      “Public and private schools force.
      Some hospitals force their patients and their workers.
      Criminal organizations like the so-called CPS use force.
      Divorce courts use force.
      Even the police have used force.
      FEMA already has plans and is coming to your neighborhood soon.”.
      Saying that people can decline being assaulted by non-therapeutic vaccines is like saying that people will be allowed to decline the mark of the beast without consequences.
      It is just not true.
      If people were fully informed as you stated then they would know that the non-therapeutic vaccines have little to no chance of providing any benefit but a much better chance of causing harm and more people might attempt to decline.

  20. What kind of physician is antivax? That’s strange. Are you an MD or a chiro?

  21. “The first issue is that I don’t conduct studies so you are asking the wrong person.”
    So why are you offering your uneducated opinion?

    PS Your source still doesn’t provide proof that SV40 caused cancer in a human. It said (and that is just the opinion of this one article you cherrypicked) that there is a “possible etiologic role in human malignancies. Future research directions are considered.”

    • Mike Stevens,
      The vaccine developers said that the non-therapeutic polio vaccines cause cancer.
      I already a mentioned a Dr. Maurice Hilleman interview video.
      They knew in 1953 testing.
      They knew from the 1955-1956 rodent tests.
      They knew in 1963 when they tried to remove and might have gotten most of the fast-acting SV40 from the non-therapeutic polio vaccines.
      They knew in 1997 when they allowed testing to run long enough to allow the slow-acting SV40 to be found.
      We switched from one non-therapeutic polio vaccine to the other partly because cancer causing SV40 was found in 1997 in the previous vaccine.
      The non-therapeutic vaccine industry prefers that you ignore facts and replace the facts with bias opinions but cannot force you to do that. Can they?
      Me rehashing the facts repeatedly will never convince you to put the facts above bias opinion web pages trying to twist the facts to debunk what was proven.

  22. We have the right to refuse ANY medical “treatment” or experiment WITHOUT INFORMED CONSENT.

    From wikipedia (emphasis mine):

    The Nuremberg code includes such principles as informed consent and absence of coercion; properly formulated scientific experimentation; and beneficence towards experiment participants.

    People who show up at their doctors office for vaccination are not part of a clinical trial.

    • Jonathan Graham, you are incorrect on many accounts.
      You missed part of what you posted:
      “as informed consent and absence of coercion”.
      People certainly don’t have informed consent for non-therapeutic vaccines.
      If they did, they would run.
      People are certainly coerced in to having the poisons injected into them and their children.
      Coercion is increasing.
      “People who show up at their doctors office for vaccination are not part of a clinical trial.”.
      Until some non-therapeutic vaccine is proved to be helpful and all the known risks are known, then the assaults are experimental. Our children are being used as guinea pigs.
      It’s not directly related but did you see the story years ago of Sarah Hershberger that the courts forced her to receive chemo, a different poison, but it was only later that people found out that the reason the Ohio hospital was so insistent was because it wasn’t chemo at all. It was an experimental chemo program that the Ohio hospitals would received one million U.S. dollars if they could keep her in the program and off of traditional medicine.
      She escaped to another state and then to Mexico so was quickly cured.
      The Ohio hospital has no excuse to continue forced experimentation on her now.
      “I would not allow even ONE to be injected into MY body”
      “Yes, you are an idiot. I get that.”.
      Some people refusing to have unproven poisons injected into their bodies and the bodies of their children sound like very smart people.
      “Poisons are in the dose.”.
      Since VICP has rejected most claims but paid over three billion U.S. dollars to cover a fractional cost of the claims that snuck through, I would say that non-therapeutic vaccines must have a powerful dose of poison or other issue.

      • Until…all the known risks are known

        Since all known risks are known by definition. I’ll assume you mean something like “all the potentially known risks” are known. In which case this restricts all medicine. Since the authors clearly considered some medicine to be acceptable your standard is clearly not what was intended by the authors of the code and therefore the code can not be part of an argument against vaccination. So either better define your terms or provide words from the mouths of the authors specifically restricting work like our current use and development of vaccination. 🙂

        • Jonathan Graham, you still won’t or can’t define phrases like “person years” in vaccine charts that you try to prove something that is not there, but suggest that I define my terms “our current use” and “development of vaccination” which I didn’t even use.
          I’ll leave both definitions up to your imagination and in a context that you dream up.
          I’ll edit my “known risks are known” non-English to something people can better understand. Thank you for spotting and reporting it.

          • Jonathan Graham | April 25, 2016 at 5:10 pm |

            but suggest that I define my terms “our current use” and “development of vaccination” which I didn’t even use.

            Nope. Again this is a reading comprehension problem for you. I didn’t say YOU need to define these terms I’m saying that the claim “vaccination violates the Nuremberg code” doesn’t mean anything unless you can meet that criteria.

            You can’t. You might as well be whining about someone breaking the ground speed limit in an airplane. 🙂

          • Jonathan Graham, getting sillier all of the time.
            I never stated that “vaccination violates the Nuremberg code” but only did not refute whoever did. I also responded to your post that including the statement, “vaccination violates the Nuremberg code” and supplied some support in that direction.
            Your reading comprehension might not be up to snuff if you didn’t notice that?
            Why do you continue to stay off topic for the discussion of the harmful effects of non-therapeutic vaccines?
            Why post pointers to absurd studies without explaining how to get to any data backing up the study’s bias opinions?
            Why claim that you see something in the absurd studies without giving a clue to what you found?
            Is the truth really that frightening to you?

          • Jonathan Graham | April 25, 2016 at 7:10 pm |

            I never stated that “vaccination violates the Nuremberg code”

            Yawn. Never said you did. I said that the CLAIM is meaningless until you can meet the criteria I set out. In future please read my posts at least three or four times before posting. Constantly correcting you is tiresome.

          • Jonathan Graham, you certainly were not responding to someone else.
            I wasn’t aware that people enforcing the Nuremberg Code relied on your criteria.
            Is you claiming that your criteria applies to me is just you being silly?

          • Jonathan Graham | April 26, 2016 at 9:40 am |

            I wasn’t aware

            …of much at all. Entirely unsurprising.

            people enforcing the Nuremberg Code

            What was said was:

            the CLAIM is meaningless until you can meet the criteria I set out

            Again, please read my post at least four or five times before typing.

  23. Imagine anyone believing that paying out over 3 billion though a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program constitutes evidence that vaccines are unsafe. Sounds like something Brian Deer would claim.

  24. Better awareness.

  25. That’s not proof, its a simple statement of what has been done and what is done.

  26. Just curious, how many children have been diagnosed with Autism who have not been vaccinated?

  27. I just realized that the same pro-vaxxers continue to appear in all comments relating to this issue. The same names keep popping up on every discussion board and are desperately trying to defend Pharma and bring down anything or anyone who questions vaccines. How interesting and typical.

  28. All you really needed to see was “…shout out goes to Mike Adams, the Health Ranger…” to know this was total bullshlt.

  29. Another adverse effect that occurs with a number of vaccines is anorexia, but as with the other “explanations” we seem to get from Psychiatry is that young girls and boys simply want to look like models. Well I’ll have to ask for the science on that while Psychiatry ignores anorexia as a vaccine side effect.

  30. The history of vaccines…hilarious.

  31. “google” Google U Hammy?

  32. “Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to establish a causal relationship to components of Tripedia vaccine”

    Now, tell the rest of the class: What does that sentence mean?

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