6 Examples of Divide and Conquer … And What You Can Do

Divide-and-conquerBy Paul A. Philips

In order to keep the populace deceived into believing that the ‘theatre of illusion’ world they live in is real, it has been necessary for those controlling the show – the world’s ruling elite with their stage con artists – to artfully invent a number of distractions. These distractions are designed to keep the populace’s focus away from the ruling elite’s deceptions so that they don’t get worked out and become exposed.

One of the ruling elite’s most effective pieces of distraction woven and spun, socially engineered into the fabric of the fake world for controlling the populace, is the divide and rule tactic.

Be it in politics, business, banking, finance, science, religion, race relations, the military, medicine, drugs, etc. the divide and rule tactic continues to have a massive controlling effect on a deceived populace as they bicker, argue, take sides and fight amongst each other, never joining the dots, never seeing the bigger picture, never realizing how they’re being played by distraction….

In the divide and rule clash of viewpoints a number of common patterns recur:

1. All sides, each with their conflicting views and ideals, have been secretly manufactured or funded and controlled by the ruling elite. In effect, the ruling elite are the invisible 3rd party in the conflicts.

2. Thus, no side is the one that’s ‘got it right.’

3. …or has the ‘truth.’

4. No side offers anything of real intrinsic value.

5. No side will ever win. The Hegelian Dialectic conflict will continue here on out. Even if it morphs into a different dialectic the same old conflicts will occur.

6. The destabilizing weakening ‘us’ versus ‘them’ scenario prevents those divided and ruled from realizing just how powerful they could be together. How together they could topple those puppet masters at the top of the hierarchical tree….

In light of the above here are 6 examples of divide and conquer:

1. ‘My political party versus yours’

Getting closer to Election Day, the unfolding 2016 US Presidential campaigning has shown us how increasingly politically divided the nation is, as in the case of a recent Donald Trump rally in Chicago. It was reported that a large number of anti-Trump protesters turned out to disrupt the occasion. After a number of fights broke out and arrests were made, the event was eventually cancelled. Because of the disruption and further threat, Trump decided not to show up at the event to speak.

Yet another case where rigidly dogmatic people act out their mental software programmes not realizing that the Republican/Democrat 2-horse race is backed, owned and controlled by the ruling elite, so it doesn’t matter who gets into office, voting will change nothing.

Yes, I know that many of you realize no matter what country it is general elections are a farce. They exist to give the masses the illusion of democracy. However, many in the know still fall for the same traps by voting for one party because they’ve been offered an incentive such as a tax cut…

Voting for a major political party in this way is a short-term payoff. What then comes with it is a far greater and awful long-term cost. That long-term cost being the advancement of the dehumanising New World Order (NWO) agenda: The major parties’ corrupt puppet politicians who you voted for will only be too happy to carry out the wishes of their lords and masters the ruling elite, to slyly advance their NWO agenda and the further enslavement of you, your family and friends.

People, wake up!

2. ‘Divide and rule by manufacturing wars’

Certain events over time, secretly planned, have currently manifested into what looks like the brink of World War 3. Don’t become a sucker for the ruling elite’s secretly manufactured wars.

The real reasons for wars are not given to you in the history books. Truth is, wars were (and are) secretly manufactured by the ruling elite for political gain, huge profits for their corporations like the weapons industry, population reduction and advancement of the NWO enslavement agenda. In short, wars are a massive deception. If only those countless millions who had died fighting had known about these ulterior motives….

Question everything. Question the ulterior motives: get the ‘who, what, when and why..?’ if a military conflict breaks out.

3. The ‘wars on…’

The truth is that anything declared a ‘war on’ is designed to fail. People in high places overseeing the funding while playing all sides to deal with the related problems know that they fund ineffective approaches that will never get to the root cause and win the wars. This allows these people in high places to continually profiteer here on out from never-ending wars.

Thus, the different approaches coming from divided opinions on how we should tackle certain problems such as those related to ‘the war on cancer,’ ‘the war on drugs,’ or ‘the war on war’… etc. are essentially nothing more than deliberate distractions to lead nowhere while the real solutions have been hidden, suppressed and if exposed are unjustly ridiculed by a bought-off mainstream media.

4. Controlled opposition

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” – Vladimir Lenin

Beware of a number of charismatic deceptive wolves in sheep’s clothing in positions of authority connected to 3. Playing the ‘pied piper’ making empty promises, apparently expressing the same sentiment as we-the-people, they attract many followers who have no idea that their nothing more than controlled opposition.

5. Stirring up political/religious differences

The ruling elite running the planet and their Masonic lackeys: presidents, prime ministers…and other serial liars, traitors to humanity leaders… could lead us into World War 3.

The desire to stir things up and make 3 world wars happen began as far back as the mid- to late-1800s. A documented example as proof of this can be found in the form of a letter written by Albert Pike, a world leading Freemason and agent of the world’s hidden controllers running the planet. Basically, the letter to fellow Freemason Guiseppi Mazzini (Mafia founder) outlines the need to secretly manufacture three world wars by dividing and stirring up religious and political differences between nations and encourage involvement from allies, sympathisers… i.e., those taking sides then joining in with the conflict.

Pike stated there would be mutual destruction of the many nations involved. A social cataclysm and godless world disillusioned with religion would soon follow….

6. Divide and conquer through simplistic reduction

Be it concerning political, financial, ethnic, educational or other matters the Western world powers that be want you to take sides through their simplistic reduction of “liberal” versus “conservative” issues.

This age-old political stratagem has the effect of creating divided people fighting against each other instead of turning against their oppressors, the ruling elite.

That concludes just 6 of indeed a countless number of examples of divide and rule.  

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cache_40429529.jpgWhat You Can Do

Educate yourself. Know your enemy. Find out who they are and what they stand for. Spread the word to others on your findings on how we’ve been broken up into weak and powerless pieces.

You see, the real enemy is not some ethnic, political, or religious individual or group; the only real enemy, the only ‘us against them’ is we-the-people against the ruling elite. 

All else is mere deliberate distraction.

Discernment is needed every step of the way to becoming one collective entity to take back our power.

You can read more from Paul A. Philips at his site NewParadigm.ws

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15 Comments on "6 Examples of Divide and Conquer … And What You Can Do"

  1. ‘…becoming one collective entity to take back our power.’

    Misses the point. The case for a free society rests on individualism.

    “There is no greater stupidity than to take uniformity for an ideal.”
    ~ George Santayana

  2. Excellent post outlining some of the traps we have to understand and deal with in order to take back our freedom.

  3. “….All else is mere deliberate distraction….” but the masses will NEVER understand.
    Why ?

    Listen to Ferdinand Lundberg. He wrote back in 1968 :

    We should find a meaningful term for the masses with reference to their inadequacies of judgment. I propose, therefore, that they be regarded, in varying degrees, as handicapped, crippled, unable to make sound judgments and decisions in their own self-interest. They live blindly in a system that offers wide although not unlimited free choice and they are unable to choose wisely. They are victims of their own choices. Nobody protects them from themselves ! The masses are handicapped in that they are ready believers in tales and promises of nimbler wits, prone to give credence to the improbable or very doubtful. They believe that some obvious charlatan – a preacher, a politician, a vendor of cheap merchandise – is going to do something very good for them at only a slight fee or absolutely free. At their most extreme these people are the followers of astrologers, spiritualists, religious dervishes and messiahs of all kinds, very often political messiahs. They tend strongly to resist whatever is objectively the case if it does not harmonize with their delusions.

    Gullibility and muddle-headedness are functions of insufficient intelligence. The intelligent person is prone to make significant distinctions, to analyze, compare, reflect and seek out difficulties in proffered propositions whether flattering or promising to himself or not. Skeptical self-analysis is beyond the powers of the gullible because they already feel insecure, must (as they say) “believe in something” if only in believing. Intimations of any lack in their judgment are resisted. Hence it follows that they believe whatever ethnic, religious or national group to which they belong is inherently superlative. Having little sense of individual identity, they derive their identity from some extensive tribe – hence White Supremacy, Black Power, God-Jesus, Dallas Cowboys, etc.

    While all men may have been created equal, whatever that means, what strikes the most casual observer is their disparity of age, circumstance, capability and condition. And, considering people in general with respect to their judgmental powers, what is most unequal about them is their intelligence.

  4. Understood, but what do you propose one to do when the elite have stirred up one religion to arbitrarily mass murder those not of the religion, then import them, in alarming numbers, into countries whose citizens will be the targets of said arbitrary murders?

    What do you propose to do when, for decades, you and your family have suffered losses due to institutional racist discrimination and then along comes a president who rubs your noses in it?

    What do you propose to do when the elites open your country’s borders, allowing the mass invasion of your country by those who will never assimilate, who will turn your country into a third world country by watering down the vote of natural born, naturalized, and other citizens?

    Shall we all hold hands and sing Kumbayah together while we and and our country are destroyed?

    TRUMP 2016

    • Nothing will save Europe now. This was all predicted some time ago and, its all coming to pass. The next 18 months / 2-years are going to be VERY interesting times..

      • What about in the U.S.? It’s following closely behind Europe. People came out of the woodwork to support Trump in order to halt the destruction of their country and its citizens.

        Some who’ve not voted in a long time because they knew that elections are rigged have actually gone to vote for Trump. Yet, MSM, alt media, politicians, Dems, Reps, Federal Reserve, corporations, bankers, billionaires, millionaires, and leaders both foreign and domestic have attacked Trump.

        Incumbent Reps have even said they’d vote for Hillary before they vote for Trump, and by tearing down their own leading candidate, they’ve virtually assured that the Dems will win, and the desecration and destruction will continue.

        As far as Europe and the US, if the rulers gave a darn about the citizens, it could be stopped, and reversed, but there would probably be much bloodshed before it’s over and done.

        However, when the rulers have dumbed down and weaponized its own citizens against each other, so that those with sense who know what’s going on must first fight through the dumbed down masses to get to the rulers who are the problem, the only solution seems to be for the entire country to erupt.

        • Hi Cyndi. Well, you are right. This is a global thing, however, and I cant see anything stopping it at this point. And please, don’t put your faith in a politician. Those guys know the score and the NWO agenda. Everything else is designed to divide the people and give the illusion of democracy. In the mean time, the ‘show’ rolls on and polarises the masses while month by month we are losing our freedoms and our nations. I know someone in Germany and, I can confirm to you that that country is in a real mess right now! The Greek Islands I dont think I will ever visit again. Even many people in the military of these countries are now questioning the motives of their governments. I have goods friends in Finland also, and the feeling there is really worrying for them. We have 7 thousand refugees coming here close to my city in Australia soon. We are being hearded like cattle and will be forced to defend our selves in the end. The next 18 months / 2 years are going to set the stage for a very difficult period in history imo. The collapse of the financial system will happen first. If that happens BEFORE the US election, OSAMA will stay in power. Regardless, there is no escaping the fact that WW3 is very much in our short-term future. The world is currently in a free-fall, so hang on and pray; wether you believe or not. Because it wont hurt to…

  5. We have met the enemy and he is us, Pogo. That includes this article. The correction will come when the spoon fed masses stop getting fed. The have not’s will become the takers. The givers will have miscalculated and will be swept away. No food will be produced for a year or three because of unrest. Those left will begin rebuilding.

  6. And, people, thats why you should not give ANY TIME OR RESPONSE to trolls on these sites. They seem to know A LOT about everything and spend all day researching and writing very lengthy replies to everything. Why? Because they are being paid to do it! Thats all they do! They are employed by big pharma and just about anyone else that wants to ‘divide’ the people. YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE!

  7. Yes. It is a truly satanic operation we are dealing with. I can not for a minute imagine they are human? There is something else under that human-like exterior. However, they can still be killed…

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