Why We All Should Be Concerned Over “Citizen Rankings” and How Scores are Calculated

citizen_rankingBy Kristan T. Harris

It’s no secret that the United States government is collaborating with businesses to collect metadata on its citizens. In a recent article it was proclaimed that Fresno law enforcement was using technology that gathered information from “arrest reports, property records, commercial databases, deep Web searches” and “social-media postings” to assess a citizen threat score according to the Washington Post.

Eventually we may see citizen rankings become more prominent and even dictate if you can fly,  leave the country, access government buildings, shoot a smart gun, receive a job, healthcare coverage you will receive, enter a self-driving car and even what school your children may attend.

Socially, the speculative reality is that a citizen score would gather data from social media sites such as Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram. Facebook, which reads like a public diary, already records your conversations and reports controversial activity to local police. The system would undoubtedly calculate a score based on your friends, political postings, arguments and relationships. If you recently had conversations about suicide or owning firearms, expect your threat rating to increase.

Dating sites are no exception to metadata collection. Websites such as OK Cupid ask a plethora of bizarre questions ranging from fringe political ideology, drug usage and relationship questions. Tinder is also starting to rank their clients using their system to calculate your attractiveness or charm factor.

okcupidmemeYour school records will be accessible to the cause. Under the government’s new Common Core curriculum all sorts of metadata is collected on your children and will eventually be used to asses their healthcare coverage, thought process,  threat ranking, sociability and potential to contribute to society.  This ranking could be used by a judge to dictate what kind of sentence your child should receive for a crime or by a college to be the deciding factor if your child is admitted to the school for education.

Credit card purchases online and offline will play a huge factor in calculating your score . Your purchase history tells the government, law enforcement and anyone who has access to this data your state of health, what weapons you own, places you like to frequent, your religious beliefs and your current traveling trends. Moral of the story is, use cash as much as possible and learn to keep it out of the bank.

Your Internet search history is not hands off. Your search history  may reveal the most personal and intimate details of your private day-to-day routines, including your interests, shopping trends, political affiliation and thought process.

Vehicles will also help contribute to the meta data collection to figure out if you’re a 5-star citizen. All new cars have black boxes now that can connect to built in WiFi systems that all roads, lights and cars will share and communicate with in the near future and be sold to make way for driverless cars. A citizen ranking would make it easy for a driverless car to dictate who will have to die in an automobile accident due to weather conditions or vehicle malfunction. It has already been announced that self-driving cars will decide whether you die or not. Children would naturally receive a higher ranking as well as government officials and law enforcement.

These rankings are needed for artificial intelligence to properly identify and interact with humans.

Who would of thought that the Patriot Act would lead to all of this?

Kristan T. Harris writes for TheRundownLive.com

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9 Comments on "Why We All Should Be Concerned Over “Citizen Rankings” and How Scores are Calculated"

  1. Maybe Ms. Harris was too young to remember this but anyone who thought The Patriot Act would actually come to this was called a doomsayer nut job, or worse. Yes, quite a few people accurately predicted this slippery slope we’re now sliding down. Worry not though, the citizen score scam will have about as much relevance to reality as the credit score scam- just another control game best dealt with by not playing. Drive an old car, don’t cook your brain with a cellphone, stop playing Facebook drone jockey, and pretty soon you’ll fall off their radar and cease to exist because you’re not worth noticing. That’s right where you want to be.

    • Not really. When we go cashless, and we will eventually go cashless, you will be turned off and have no access to a job, food, shelter, basic services, etc. Yeah they might not be able to find you, but you won’t live for long. At least not in any way that resembles modern life.

      • That’s not how I see it playing out. But if you choose to accept that kind of defeat, that is what you will experience. Many working people got into personal financial debt by playing the credit score game, which several bankers told me was nothing but a scam to get everyone to pay their bills on time and be good citizen doobees. The only way to win a con game is not to play. They cannot force you to play, you go into it willingly by accepting defeat before the game starts just as you are doing now. Earth is a free will planet and when you start exercising your free will, you are free. Simplistic? Or simple? It’s whatever you choose to make it.

        • When and how did you learn to live off of air and sunshine? I do not accept defeat but opting out will only lead to being cut off/out and therefore powerless. The lesson now is the same as it was for the protesters of the 60’s. You can not change the establishment by standing outside of it and throwing rocks. Engagement is the only way. You are just repackaging Leary’s “Turn on tune in and drop out.” It didn’t work then and it wont work now.

          • Robin Raven | January 29, 2016 at 7:12 pm |

            Actually, the 60’s was a gas. Looks like we came away with different perspectives on that era. And opting out is a form of engagement. Lots of guys ran to Canada during the war because they refused to be drafted into war they didn’t believe in. Some people still call them cowards, I call them heroes. That’s what I learned in the 60’s.

  2. ***this is why I’m voting for Rand Paul

    People just don’t seem to get this concept….even though they shot one of those Oregon guys in the head with his hands up in the air (murdered him in cold blood)….and where is a picture of that bullet ridden car when they claimed they only shot 3 times? Probably in some body shop having all the holes filled.

    When Obama armed all the agencies I knew we would be in martial law eventually….and none of the candidates are talking about taking arms away from those agencies and that worries me.

    I think Rand Paul would obviously do it because of statements like this, but what about Cruz or Trump….somehow I doubt THEY would Trump even defends NSA spying on everybody….and what would be the purpose of that? Sounds like TYRANNY to me. We should be profiling not looking for a needle in a haystack.

  3. Totalitarianism pure and simple.

  4. The citizen’s have already applied threat score’s on public and private actors using reality rather than virtual reality as it’s source. We are way ahead……

  5. Nowhere in the link for ‘driverless cars deciding who will die’ does it even mention driverless cars, let alone anything about them deciding who will die. Disappointing, Kristen Harris & Activist Post.

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