All the World’s a Stage … And all the World is Staged

media_mind_controlBy Chris Veritas

One man believes the Democrats will solve America’s problems, that climate change is the world’s greatest threat, and that social progress is paramount; while another believes Republicans trump Democrats, Liberals can’t be trusted, and that radical extremists are an omnipresent omniscient threat. (The only thing they both agree on is that we are in constant danger.)

The training for this mindset starts early, as children are taught practically from the cradle that the pilgrims were thanksgiving heroes (and not litigious cranks), that America is a nation of destiny (and therefore cannot be undermined by the dark forces), and that one ought to trust implicitly the politicians and the press (despite their mercurial perfidy).

This early training, that is: worldview sculpting, is largely responsible for the irrepressible hope Americans have that next set of rascal politicians will be the ones to save the day. And of course, one must belong to one of these parties. You are an American, aren’t you?

In this way, the public is groomed from birth to serve a sociopolitical dichotomy engineered to generalize individuals, with Big Media bearing the lion’s share of the edge rounding.

Depending on your Network Programming, with CNN and FOX being the chief dialectical agents, you will more or less receive a worldview created for you by Big Money (which hides behind Big Media), thinking wholeheartedly you are objectively informed, and that by tuning in you are being a responsible citizen.

This sort of sincerity is exactly what is being played upon, as the Media trades on the trust its forebears enjoyed, exerting such authority wantonly, and brutalizing its audience with ubiquitous installments of quotidian fear.

Meanwhile, Big Media skirts you past crucial knowledge pertaining to the real Globalist threat, through the looking glass, down the rabbit hole, past Alice and the Cheshire Cat, Blitzer O’Reilly and Wolf Shepherd, and back again, none the wiser.

But don’t look too closely at the Foundations that corrupt through charity; the Food Giant that began by making poison; the Space Program that appears to be installing Control Grid infrastructure; the Science Insiders turned worldview promulgators; and let’s not forget those other worldview formulators, the Ad Agencies/Temptation Brigades.

But why cover these dreary things when you can harp endlessly on Slick Hilly’s emails?

Indeed, the American politician and his corresponding outlet exist in a scripted vacuum, where fireworks fly and fingers rise in a transfixing drama, with cardboard heroes and villains, where the stakes are real but the play is staged.

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The Perception Machine paints over reality and fact in a pure confidence game, doubling down by charading constantly (thus daring you to unmask it), and doing so by employing blatant word repetition downloads.

Here is a recent example:

Extremist, Extremist, Extremist. ISIS, ISIS, ISIS. I.S., Extremist, Radical, Rebel. Now multiply that times Infinity.

But perhaps I haven’t been fair to FOX and CNN. After all, their blues and reds are so pleasing to the eye, and the cascading stars that shoot across the screen look like liberty personified! If only America didn’t lock up such a high percentage of its citizens; and if only it didn’t invade countries fighting terrorism, meanwhile allying itself with the barbarous likes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, perhaps I too could sink back into my easy chair and zone out to the soothing flicker rate.

But this is just the problem: Big Media crafts a scripted dream of liberty that no longer coincides with reality, even as it bombards with seemingly infinite information/crises from all over the world.

All the world’s problems are now our problems, and all the world must soon converge to save itself from the problems caused by going Global in the first place. The climactic moment appears to be approaching, and the climax of the networked drama seems eerily close to reaching its zenith.

With Media having taught the players how to act in the national drama, the curtain is now parting, and the stage is set for international tragedy.

To paraphrase Shakespeare: all the world’s a stage … and all the world is staged.

What it all seems to boil down to is that as the powers-that-be have become exceedingly corrupt, so too has the once venerable fourth estate. Working together, in fact merging and overlapping, they appear to be promulgating a universal narrative, twisting perception via all-encompassing Media, to create easily controllable, homogeneous clones.

The mind and reason itself are the targets. Peer pressure is used to coerce consensus. And television is the medium channeling the haunting of minds.

I don’t know about you, but my television’s days are numbered.

You can read more from Chris Veritas at his site Some Cry Wolf.

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9 Comments on "All the World’s a Stage … And all the World is Staged"

  1. “Insider” said in 2005 :

    If you observe closely you will see we [the controllers] are merely spreading the tools which can be used by you to free yourself or chain yourself, your choice.

    The tools are in your hands, around you, everywhere… it is even being drawn out of you. It is your duty towards yourself to reveal them to yourself and then do as you please with them…. there is always a consequence.

  2. Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives.
    I think we’re being run by maniacs for maniacal ends
    and I think I’m liable to be put away as insane for expressing that.
    That’s what’s insane about it.
    John Lennon

    • You see an insane world because that’s what the programmers choose to show you. You think you are helpless because that’s what you’re being programmed to think. You see the world through THEIR eyes. Not yours. Stop reading / watching / listening to ‘news’. Its the beginning of reclaiming your sanity.

  3. The laws have been recently changed that allows the government to engage in propaganda and lying to be used on the american people.

    All it takes is some simple research to see this fact.

  4. Unless you quit the ‘news’ habit, you will never know the extent of the brainwashing; you will never experience a life free of anxiety and fear; you will be a slave to their dismal choices your entire life.

    So just say no to their drug of choice – fear. Stop looking at the world through the eyes of a few. Their world is hateful, unjust and very, very limiting. Yours can be whatever you choose.

  5. yEshUA ImmAnUEl * ben-'Adam | December 12, 2015 at 6:23 pm |

    Mark 7:
    6 Jesus replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:
    “‘These people honor me with their lips,
    but their hearts are far from me.
    7 They worship me in vain;
    their teachings are merely human rules.’
    8 You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”

  6. yEshUA ImmAnUEl * ben-'Adam | December 12, 2015 at 6:24 pm |

    (John 5:25) “Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.”
    ” ‘The dead’ are those who live only for the carnal self. They are those who refuse to recognize anything except that which they can see and feel. They believe in nothing except that which the eyes can behold. They are dead in the self.
    These shall hear the Divine Law; and, if they listen and accept and do, then shall they live.
    Those are dead who deny that man has a Soul; for they recognize only the man of flesh. They are the worshippers of “the beast;” for to them there is nothing except that which the senses of the flesh can know and understand.”

  7. yEshUA ImmAnUEl * ben-'Adam | December 12, 2015 at 6:24 pm |

    John 8:25
    “Who are you?” they asked.
    “Just what I have been telling you from the beginning,” Jesus replied.

    8 + 25 = 33

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