Watch This Officer Handle Loads of Loitering Teens


By Amanda Warren

Activist Post is two for two when it comes to positive police stories this week.

People are more apt to record negative police interactions especially considering that the footage is needed to prove a claim in court. It isn’t too often that the neutral or positive stories make it to the surface. However, the response to such videos shows a great desire among Americans to see more of the recent, seemingly positive developments.

We don’t know many details at all about the viral video below. It continues to be shared on Facebook (over 65,000 times as of this writing) and has been viewed over 7.5 million times.

A Positive Police InteractionU.S. police officer speaks to a group of young loiterers with respect. Policing done correctly!via ViralHog

Posted by UNILAD on Tuesday, September 22, 2015

An officer appeared to have pulled up in a parking lot at night with a swarm of young adults standing there. He leans on the patrol car and somehow commands their complete attention, respect and cooperation. If only there was a way to capture that essence and send it everywhere.

The fact that the video is continuing to rack up millions of views and thousands of shares is further proof how willing people are to commend respectful and peaceful interactions with police. It is evidence that authoritarian and brutal tactics are less likely to garner respect.

Of course, it should be duly noted that it is the calm and attentive demeanor of the teenagers that aided in a positive outcome for this interaction too.

The man recording the interaction extended his hand and said “thank you” to the officer.

“Mucho gusto,” he replied.

Amanda Warren writes for Activist Post – see her recent articles HERE

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5 Comments on "Watch This Officer Handle Loads of Loitering Teens"

  1. Very cool. Attention cops: this is the way it should be done. Treat them like human beings and they will reciprocate.

    May not work in Ferguson, however.

  2. I think you did a wonderful job in posting this because we can use it as a role model. The police academy needs to retrain and rethink.

  3. I think we just needed a little break and a bit of rebalance to our perspective. There are good officers. We do need to know who they are and let them know we support them. It’s politics. If they have great public support its harder to fire the good ones.

  4. Excellent! The officers here in Goose Creek SC operate like this every day…

  5. Outstanding!! We need to teach our children how to deal with the police to. See website: 10 rules in dealing with police. If we learn to treat each other with respect as this officer understands we can all do better on this matter.

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