“War Pigs” Anthony Freda Art |
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
With the recent and largely successful battle for Tikrit conducted by the Iraqi security forces combating Western-backed ISIS fighters who have controlled the city for some time, Iraq has once again forced itself into the brief headlines of international media. Yet the subsequent claims of war crimes committed by these security forces have also found their way into the public discussion, most notably in the West.
Thus, there are a number of questions that surround the events on the ground and the manner in which they are being reported in the West that must be looked at closely in order to fully understand the events that are transpiring.
Indeed, the manner in which the events unfolding in Iraq and Syria are reported in the mainstream Western press – if they are reported at all – is so convoluted, murky, deceptive and outright false that it is often difficult to blame any American for not fully understanding the details and particulars of the Syrian crisis and the spread of ISIS.
Even the so-called “independent” press – merely one public step further removed from major corporations, intelligence agencies, and government propaganda wings than the open corporate media – spins apparent criticisms of the administration and war in general while using the viewers’ own intellectual capacity against him and judo-ing him back in the same direction as the mainstream.
For instance, “independent” researchers and analysts consistently repeat the tired idea that “blowback” is the reason for ISIS’ sudden appearance across the Middle East. That criticism of Washington seems radical but, in reality, is historically inaccurate since it essentially gives a pass for much of America’s subsequent “responses” and a complete cover-up of the hand that the West has played in intentionally fomenting color revolutions, destabilizations, and terrorism across the world.
One such example would be left gatekeepers like Noam Chomsky who vigorously adhere to the “blowback” theory and claim that anyone who suggests that the United States is supporting ISIS is a “conspiracy theorist,” an insult that has served Chomsky well through much of his career.
Yet supporting ISIS is just what the United States is doing and what it has done since the organization changed its name from the IEIL and AQI nearly three years ago.
Without going into too much detail (see my article “The Roots of ISIS”) it should nevertheless be pointed out that the United States has been supporting, training, arming, and directing ISIS in both Syria and Iraq since the beginning of the crisis and even as it drops bombs on both countries under the pretext of fighting ISIS.
In Syria, however, these bombs are an attack against Syrian infrastructure. In Iraq, American bombing acts more as strategic death squad herding and a persistent threat to the Iraqi government and any potential closer relationship with Iran.
The Iraqi Success In Tikrit – Result of Lack of US Involvement
The Iraqi military/government and the United States had been in the planning stages of an assault against ISIS-held positions inside Iraq since January 2015. Yet, despite “assistance” coming from the most militarily advanced nation on the face of the earth, Iraqi officials complained that preparations for military plans were moving much too slow or either not at all. It appeared, for all intents and purposes, that the US was not as interested in eliminating strategic (to the Iraqi government) strongholds of ISIS as it was pretending to be in its press conferences and international speeches.
What is interesting, however, is the fact that, months before any such operations were ever launched, U.S. General Lloyd Austin, head of the US military’s CENTCOM, told the Wall Street Journal that the US and Iraq were planning a summer offensive to retake Mosul and cut supply lines to the ISIS fighters that control it. In other words, US General Austin revealed the war plans long before the actual operation took place, thus tipping off the potential targets to the upcoming military assault and creating even greater odds for the weak Iraqi forces to surmount.
Iraqi War Crimes – Real or Propaganda?
Another question that must be answered is whether or not the claims of war crimes on the part of the Iraqi military actually occurred. While photographic evidence and alleged video footage depict the commission of war crimes, the party responsible for those crimes is more open to question. The Iraqi military, of course, denies the claims. Instead, they claim that ISIS fighters committed the war crimes using Iraqi military uniforms in order to take photos and video for the purpose of providing propaganda against the Iraqi government.
In other words, the Iraqi government insists that the photos and videos were a type of propaganda false flag aimed at representing the Iraqi security forces as horrendous and, presumably, sectarian. As the Iraqi security force spokesman stated, Iraqi military uniforms can be purchased at shops all across the country by civilians. Even so, in war torn Iraq, particularly if your organization is being backed by the most powerful nations on earth (as is the case with ISIS), access to military uniforms is most certainly an easy accomplishment.
Obviously, considering the propaganda attempts made by ISIS with the assistance of the US and NATO, it may very well be the case that the photos in general may be staged or, at the very least, that the individuals in the photos do not belong to the Iraqi military but to outside forces – either ISIS or NATO. Of course, this is not to say that the Iraqi military is incapable of committing war crimes or even that it did not commit war crimes in this instance. The possibility that these photos were indeed staged, however, certainly exists. Given NATO’s past history, these odds are high enough to warrant an investigation into the possibility that the photos were indeed a clever ploy to discredit and weaken the Iraqi military.
Timing of War Crimes Photos and Reports Comes As US Drops Support For Iraqi Security Forces Fighting ISIS
Coming at a time in which the United States is clearly wary of an Iraqi government willing to cooperate with the Iranians on any level, the revelation of the reports of Iraqi military war crimes is quite “convenient” to say the least. This is because the reports now provide plausible justification on the part of the United States to remove certain amounts of funding for the Iraqi Security Forces as well as much needed arms and equipment.
Clearly, the United States would prefer its own puppet regime in Iraq. In the absence of the total puppet regime, however, the US and NATO will undoubtedly settle for its ISIS terrorist proxies wresting control of the country. Indeed, the entire idea behind ISIS in Iraq was not only to provide a forward operating base for heavier warfare inside Syria but also to destabilize the Maliki government since Maliki was in favor of closer ties with Iran.
It is for this reason that the US/NATO would like to see the ISIS continue its march across Iraq – minus a march across strategic oil fields controlled by Western companies of course. ISIS can thus be used as a tool to keep Iraq weak and pliable and to physically remove any government that may resist Anglo-American dictates.
Even the Iraqi government recognizes this threat whether Western audiences are too thick to understand it or not. In February of this year, Iraqi lawmaker Nahlah al-Hababi stated that the United States’ purpose was to draw out the Iraqi ISIS conflict for as long as possible. Hababi stated,
The international coalition is not serious about air strikes on ISIL terrorists and is even seeking to take out the popular (voluntary) forces from the battlefield against the Takfiris so that the problem with ISIL remains unsolved in the near future.
The ISIL terrorists are still receiving aids from unidentified fighter jets in Iraq and Syria.
The United States and NATO have long been documented creators, directors, and facilitators of ISIS in Syria and Iraq (see my article “The Roots of ISIS”). Only recently, the Iraqi military reportedly shot down a US helicopter and two UK planes that were allegedly dropping aid to ISIS.
Even the American bombing campaign against ISIS in Iraq is a farce as the US is, in reality, engaged in strategic death squad herding. In those areas where the US is actually bombing straggler ISIS units, it is merely those who may have wandered off the CIA reservation and who are endangering strategic locations such as dams and Western-owned oil fields.
Recently from Brandon Turbeville:
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- Human Rights Watch FAIL: Uses Photo of American Bombing To Condemn Assad
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Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, and The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria. Turbeville has published over 500 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com.
US accusing someone of war crimes is comparable to Al Capone accusing Gandhi of being a Mafioso.
My thoughts exactly.
Combine this with the sudden concern for Sunni civilians vis a vis Shia death squads- cuz Iran- being pushed in msm so yeah, the zios are obviously concerned about their terror hordes and ate desperately trying to spin a new meme to Cover they’re lack of support for the Iraqi army in going after ISIS. Caught a segment on msnbc last night, like a round table, straight up Israeli talking points- they of course threw in the obligatory “conspiracy theory of the US supporting ISIS” for good measure- we already know there is no depth to which they won’t sink and while it could be legitimate I think chances are it’s ISIS in disguise. Too convenient. Certainly there are groups in Iraq on all sides capable of such things, but the timing, the supporting propaganda, I’m leaning toward fake.
Obama just protecting his personal army.
There no such thing as war crimes against ISIS, as far as Im concerned. I dont care how they get killed.
Who maintains the legion of trucks as am sure it is not just 1 that breaks down at a time. Plus they need to be legion for photo shoots when on the move as the flags used are not part of Solar Power for Tesla Electric Motors as it would annoy Saudi backers unless oil is finished and they are just taking the eye off the ball so-to-speak!
This is perhaps the situation we also have in Nigeria with Boko Haram, where the Americans keep making promises of supplying the Nigerian Army with Intel and necessary arms to go after these terrorists but ends up never delivering on their promises. What is common with the Iraqi/Syrian situation is the fact that whenever the Nigerian Army deals severe blows to Boko Haram, the American Embassy through its Ambassador immediately threatens to haul Army commanders and politicians before the Hague for war crimes.
These threats have in turn caused a stalling in operations by the Nigerian Army and a review in strategy that is seriously watered down operationally. These same Americans then turn around to accuse the Nigerian government of being ineffective in its war against Boko Haram, through the slanted and self-serving publications of their main stream media. What some may not know is that aside the Nigerian state being awash in mineral resources and oil, the Lake Chad basin around where this fighting is ongoing and intense is literally flowing with all manners of natural resources, gold inclusive, that the West covets.
Today, their main stream media is awash with news of Boko Haram’s loyalty pledge to ISIS and their acceptance of that pledge. What this tells us is the Obama administration has moved to escalate these terrorist activities in Nigeria, with the infiltration of ISIS fighters into the mix of what is essentially a local and domestic Nigerian problem. The Obama administration looks to bring the terrorism ‘expertise’ of their trained dogs of war to bear on the situation that is now being ably contained by a multinational joint force consisting of Nigerians, Chadians, Cameroonians and Nigeriens.
Israel Fisters are loving it.(No r).
Time for Americans to oust Jewish money men controlling bribing factions making a mess out of the middle east
It is simple, U.S. government official opens mouth, lie comes out.
This article just doesn’t make any sense to me. By that i mean it says we are supplying them but yet at the same time, we are fighting against them. Could someone explain this to me ?
re-read it 3 to 4 more times, then back to your primary school homework.
Oh, Now we have a comedian in the forum. When is you next gig on the circuit ?
Sure. What we are witnessing in the region –
is a slow-motion war of western imperial territorial expansion, land theft, resource theft, encirclement (Iran, Russia)
and the destruction of nations states (Libya, Syria) using western created, armed, and directed terrorist proxy forces.
The troubles that beset South West Asia are not created locally
– & have everything to do with outside western meddling and interference.
Oh, I see, now why didn’t TommyTCG say that. I guess he didn’t know how to explain things.
Dumb people are being tricked into fighting for a false cause, so there are people actually doing the job for Israel and the US. But make no mistake, the agents leading all this “ISIS” business are not muslims.
US is ‘pretending’ to fight against IS. The Jordanian pilot with engine failure, over Sysria, + his fake burning, was actually bombing infrastructure.. a brickworks. Wakey, wakey JE. It’s was on here earlier..
Ahh, never mind.. back to Fuxx Nooz for you.. that’s clear and precise, and surely true.. its on Tee Vee..
Thought for today, prior to ISIS, Americas “allies” were reluctant to bomb Syria, however since the inception of ISIS these self same “allies” are willing to be involved in bombing a sovereign country. In the words of a Roman Senator “How will we keep the plebs in order now” easy said his friend ” We will invent new enemies”
Obama is the Leader of ISIS.
He does not like anyone killing his “religion of peace” troops.
ISIS rapes and kills little children and Obama says nothing.
ISIS sells 9 year old girls as sex slaves for about $175.
God has a special place in Hell for everyone who is a part of ISIS.
Israel and America are saints…..but it’s the rest of the world who are terrorists!!! lol My country(America) is sick with Zionism and there needs to be a cure. Militias need to form and issue arrest warrants for the traitors in the US Gov. before they get us all into a world war. It’s what these psychos want.