States Move to Shield Themselves from Federal Gun Control Enforcement

Paul Lawrance
Activist Post

Both state legislatures in Arizona and Montana this week have passed bills that would shield themselves from any federal gun control measures that could be pressed upon the states in the future.

Both Senate Bill 1330 (SB1330), which passed in Arizona, and House Bill 203 (HB203) passing in Montana would prohibit state agencies and employees from enforcing federal gun control that restricts ownership of a personal firearm, firearm accessory or ammunition.

“This is a powerful first step against the gun control establishment,” Scott Landreth of the pro Second Amendment website explained. “Passage is like drawing a line in the sand and sets the foundation for stronger action by Montana in the future.”

The introduction of this pro Second Amendment legislation comes at a time when other states are taking similar measures to block federal efforts to infringe on their citizens’ constitutional right to bear arms.

As the Tenth Amendment Center would report:

Similar bills have already been filed for 2015 in Texas, Kentucky, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Minnesota, Montana, and New Hampshire and several more states are expected to do the same. Since 2013, Idaho, Alaska and Kansas have already passed into law legislation that pushes back at federal gun control measures with this same strategy.

The Arizona legislation is now making its way to the Senate Public Safety, Military and Technology Committee, where it will need to be passed before going before the full Senate for a vote.

The Montana Senate is expected to received the newly passed gun control prevention where it will be assigned to a committee for approval before the Senate has an opportunity to send it to the Governor’s desk.

With the newly elected 115th Congress vowing to push forth with gun control measures, the assertion of states’ rights over federal mandate is a positive step towards the protection of individual liberty.

Paul Lawrance writes for Eyes Open Report, where this article first appeared.

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