Remembering Heidi Stevenson of Gaia Health

Heather Callaghan
Activist Post

It is with great sorrow and a heavy heart to inform you that the world lost a dear and tenacious warrior for truth and freedom on March 12, 2014.

If you didn’t know who she was, please take this time to get to know her, because all I can say is that the vast majority of us would be seriously lacking without her investigative articles exposing propaganda, lies and corruption.

If you are even a passing reader on this site or many others in non-corporate media, you can be sure that you have benefited from her intensely thorough research and her tireless work at the website she founded in 2009 – Gaia Health.

While she wrote at her own expense and time, her hundreds of articles were shared far and wide, benefiting other writers trying to piece the big puzzle together. She contributed to well-known natural health websites, most recently to Green Med Info. Many writers could refer back to her articles with confidence because they were solid and heavily resourced. She was also known for exposing statistical manipulation via her painstaking time taken to crunch the numbers herself. She inspired many of those writers to keep going in truth.

She was excited to finally appear on The Alex Jones Show in August and had hoped to be on again. In recent years, she was asked to do many interviews. Amazingly, she dedicated spare moments, even into the wee hours of the morning to answer people who wrote to her. If asked, she shared her wisdom but as though an equal and a friend.

She did not care for self-adulation or flattery. Truth and altruism was her driving force. She once called herself a “muckraker.” Although she did care about natural health, it’s the injustices of the world that compelled her to keep investigating subjects like vaccines, Big Pharma and the medical system. The narrowed down topics, however, are too many to list. She was indeed, “Allopathy’s Gadfly.”

Most people did not know about the kinds of obstacles Heidi faced to answer her calling; health problems being perhaps the biggest thorn. Iatrogenic illness (doctor-induced injury) nearly extinguished her life around 10 years ago, while in her fifties. To put it mildly, it came with a lot of physical pain. Before that she was an expert in computer science, research and writing. It was her husband Lane, whom she met during this time, who convinced her to try alternative healing methods like homeopathy which began a healing process that kept her going long after she was expected to pass. She then developed an expertise in homeopathy, too.

She spoke of being happily married to her husband and his singular kindness and support. She leaves behind other close family members and lots of good friends.

She cared deeply for her readers and fellow writers. She had a sharp wit. She also made room on her website for satire and would create her own poignant pictures for her articles, some of them laugh-inducing.

She was just the type of friend a lot of people say they want in their lives. A dedicated, caring, loyal one who cares about you enough to tell the truth, and then makes sure you know they’ve been wondering how you have been. It is hard to believe that new writings from her will not be appearing on Gaia Health any longer.

Heidi – we honor and miss you. Our hearts go out to your family. There simply aren’t enough words to describe the trail you blazed and the impact you left.

Memorial Facebook page to keep the torch burning:

We Honor Heidi Stevenson of Gaia Health

Heather Callaghan is a natural health blogger and food freedom activist at and

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