Love’s All We Need: Writing Contest

Linda George
It’s kind of a weird feeling when you read something and KNOW it is the truth. There is a resonance of head and heart that gives you ‘truth bumps’. You think, this makes sense; it feels like the truth…….at least as near as I can come to it in my experience of life and the world. The word weird, by the way, comes from a word meaning fate – which I love, because whenever I think or feel something is weird – I know fate is waiting in the wings….

And fate was – when I first encountered David Icke. A friend had given me his book “The Biggest Secret”. Reading it marked the beginning of a journey that has grown more compelling, more urgent, with each passing year. We all know the reason: the message David has been trying to convey – the mission he has been on to wake up the slumbering masses – IS growing more urgent with each month that goes by; months where his ‘predictions’ have come to pass. The implications of that are immense. Because if he has been right so far, and he has, the realisation of what lies ahead MUST surely compel us to wake up and stop this runaway train before the carnage it wrecks is a done deal…….. At least, please Great Spirit, let that be the case.

I’ve been an ‘explorer of consciousness’ from my early teens (I’m 51); an instinctive questioner of authority (to put it kindly) and an astrologer since the late ‘80s. My nature (as revealed in my astrological chart) is that of a truth-seeker. I need to understand how life works, how it all fits – how the ‘dots connect’. As a writer and a student of mysticism, life after death, reincarnation, naturopathy, comparative religions, alternative healing, astrology and all things metaphysical, having the privilege of access to David’s huge body of writing and research has made my own journey of understanding that much clearer. I have had profound ‘a-ha’ moments, reading David’s work. A-ha moments (Uranian moments in astrology) happen when the mind gets what the heart knows.

So what is that makes the work of this brilliant man SO powerful? And I say that without fear of contradiction. Not many can fill lecture halls with thousands of people across the globe, write book after book exposing the lies and revealing the truth of our ‘reality’, and all the while, year after year, maintaining the passion and lucidity that has become his trademark. He is a commanding orator, and a rare one – with an almost paradoxical combination of power and humility. His power comes from his unequivocal belief in the truth of what is saying. And for those of us in the know (if I think of a more humble way of saying that, I’ll let you know) – it IS the truth. His humility comes from his innate understanding that he is, after all, only a channel. He is without ego. This is the work he came here to do. I remember reading some words of Eckhart Tolle – ‘whatever we create is much more powerful – if it is without ego.’ David Icke epitomises that statement. His power is authentic, because it is void of ego. The ego is, after all, largely responsible for the predicament we find ourselves in today.

Ego is behind the drive to compete, to amass wealth, to be bigger and better than everyone else. It does this to insulate itself against its fear – of not surviving. The ego knows when this body kicks the bucket, its time is up. How sad then, that we run with ego – rather than the knowing of our higher self – that is, our real self. We are infinite consciousness, but because we have been calibrated down into these material bodies in this rigged system of time-space ‘reality’ – we don’t act, or think we are. We’ve been programmed to believe life is finite, time is short, living is precarious and we’d better grab what we can, while we can. It’s not our fault that we struggle to believe in the truth of who we really are ….. the control system has been at it for a while. Once the reptillians manipulated our DNA, we were pretty much shot…… cut off from a grand perspective of our cosmic existence, the veil was drawn over our multi-dimensional awareness and our link to spirit fragmented.

Yet, for all that, the universe teems with life – and not all of it is at the lower vibratory level of our other-dimensional ‘controllers’…… we must believe there are beings of higher consciousness, emissaries of the force of Great Spirit: the force of love – who are invested in our survival on this planet. We have been told we are, or will be, assisted, in these dark days – to make the transition to a new golden age.

The portal of consciousness we call our Sun is changing, as new in-formation comes through from beyond this solar system, this galaxy. This in-formation will bring coherence to our various bodies; healing the incoherence, the distortions, traumas and wounds that have been inflicted on our vulnerable spirits.

Healing the pained emotional body, that attaches to us (via the astral body) from lifetime to lifetime through the time loop – creating unending repetitious patterns or themes that thrust us back, time and time again into our dark fears of survival and abandonment.

This is the hope I hope for. I wouldn’t make any predictions about the majority of people waking up to the control system and its plan for our future – in the time they need to. We must therefore stay tuned and keep our personal vibratory frequency in the UP end of the continuum……that is, the love end (fear’s down the opposite end). In this way, we change our own reality (what we vibrate with, we attract) – and who knows what effect that alone will have on those around us. Staying in a higher vibratory frequency keeps us aligned with spirit. We spin off the old, dense, low vibratory emotions that keep us playing out the fear based dramas.

What else can we do? We know time is moving quickly and those who would create human slaves out of the human race (as was their intention eons ago) – are moving ever closer to their goal…..

Firstly, take a leaf out of David’s book – and spread the word. Hey, we all know how hard this is. Even our nearest and dearest get tired of listening to us and tell us to shut up, stop focusing on all that negative stuff… blah blah – but we need to stay informed and we need to continue to speak out, wherever we can. We can become active in our town or city, for example, on the fluoride issue – (I send information all the time to our idiot CEO of the regional council who makes the decision to continue fluoridation), we can write letters to the paper (most of which wont be published of course), we can circulate information on the net – constantly. Who cares if our recipients don’t read it – we have done our bit to get the information out there. And you just never know. Oh and buy David’s books and lend them around…

Next, I come back to my point above. To keep our vibratory frequency at the up (love) end of the continuum – we have to stay conscious (or get conscious)! Like David says, count to 10 or 50, before reacting; say to yourself ‘It doesn’t matter!!’, breathe deeply (breath is powerful). I’m into yoga so I’d say do yoga – it can turn a negative, emotionally-down mood (bloody moon) around very effectively. Go for a walk in the bush, or by the sea (preferably barefoot in the water – negative ions dissipate inflammation, very healing), do whatever works for you – explore physical, emotional, mental therapies and techniques and use them – whatever it takes to lift you out of the low vibratory energy of fear (and its relations – anxiety, worry, regret) and into the fast spinning frequencies that heal the body and open the access way to spirit. There is nothing to lose…..but the crap. And everything to gain: health, peace, joy. Life, we must determine, to en-JOY.

Finally, I would just like to say thank you David, for your brilliant summation of ‘how astrology works’ – I’ve been in this field for many years, met many top astrologers, and I have never heard anyone explain it so perfectly and profoundly. My heart-felt hope is to reach that point too (like you) where my astrology is the least of it…..where I am no longer at the mercy of the planetary energies – and I can likewise guide my clients towards that place too.

Thanks for your energy, your passion, inspiration, enthusiasm, David. Where would we be without you? Thank you – and may you keep up the work for as long as it takes. Blessings to us all – for agreeing to be here, and here’s to LOVE – all we need.

This submission has been entered into a contest to win 2 premium tickets + $500 for travel to see David Icke at Wembley Arena, London — October 27, 2012.  If you like this article, please share it far and wide, as the winner will be determined by the total number of pageviews acquired before the end of the contest on June 15th.  For additional details about submissions, please visit our Contest Page.

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