America on the Precipice of a new Renaissance or Dark Age

Brian Kennedy
Activist Post

The American people are on the precipice of either a new Renaissance or a Dark Age. We must set aside our tribal, philosophical and moral differences to save ourselves. A protest must be articulated into words. It must include clear and concise changes to be made or it will be denigrated and labeled as a riot, a rabble or the work of anarchists. Our Founding Fathers knew this and presented their grievances and demands eloquently in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence.

As the discontent of Americans grows, we are seeing numerous demands from various sources. However, many of these demands do not address the root causes of our problems and only divide us and destroy our cohesion. The American people must reject the vague slogans such as “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” or “Hope and Change” and rally to action with concrete demands. We must understand that sophisticated occupying forces first divide and then conquer their target populations.

We are currently divided on so many issues, that we have been rendered impotent. As long as we are divided, we ensure our own subjugation and our eventual enslavement. Therefore, we must stand firm on three demands, which all Americans who desire liberty must study, understand and support.

Without a unifying document, the American people will continue to succumb to the divide-and-conquer strategy. Without a foundation, all things are weak. These three reforms are the pillars on which our deliverance will be based. We can implement further necessary changes once we have honest law makers, usury-free exchange, and a truly free republic. However, until these three steps are taken, we cannot have a righteous government or a prosperous population. These are the demands:

1. Outlaw all lobbyists and lobbying. ‘We must pull off the ticks.’
Let us be honest and call lobbying by its true name, which is bribery. Our system of government has devolved into corporatocracy and fascism. Our law makers are paid off and compromised with campaign contributions. They make their decisions in favor of the greatest campaign contributors, rather than in the best interest of the American people. The revolving door between employees of the corporations and the government ensure the undue influence and control of these usurpers. We must forbid this shameful, unethical conduct.

2. Abolish the Federal Reserve. ‘We must break the chains.’
Repeal the Federal Reserve Act. The United States Treasury can make and issue its own money, without interest. This will allow the American people to avoid being enslaved by interest payments stemming from the creation of our dollars by the owners of the deceptively named Federal Reserve, which is a foreign, banker-owned corporation controlled by our greatest enemies. These banking families have long been manipulating and influencing our government. They were fought by presidents Jackson, Lincoln and Kennedy. The Federal Reserve is a parasite and a blight on the American people. Its usury, economic manipulation and unsound fiat practices have had a disastrous impact on America. The destruction of the Federal Reserve will reinstate Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution which states that Congress alone has the right “to coin money.”

3.Repeal or dissolve all laws and government entities that violate the United States Constitution.‘We must trim the fat.’
We must return to being a Republic. Republics are based on a Constitution. Anything in violation of the Constitution is automatically contrary to the laws of the Republic. The bureaucracies that have grown to horrific proportions and invade all aspects of our lives must be dissolved. Those who feed from the teat of the working class must learn to provide for themselves — this includes the government. As Jefferson stated, “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

We must reform our government to its Constitutional roots. We do not need to rewrite our Constitution, we need to enforce it. Collectivism and Communism are not the answer. They create culture-less states ruled by an oligarchy of bureaucrats that stifle creativity, initiative and independent mindsets. America is a Republic, not a Democracy. Democracy is the tyranny of the majority and subject to the whims of men. We must live by laws, not opinions. Our problems began when we gave the government too much control over our lives. The solution is less government, not more.

The American people are born free with unalienable, inviolate rights given to us by God, our Creator, as our Declaration of Independence states. Our government cannot take or restrict what it did not give and it does not own. No law-maker, no event, no cabal, and no act can alter this fact. We refuse to live in an oppressive police state where our rights are continually diminished through unconstitutional legislation such as the Patriot Act and others in violation of our Fourth, Fifth and Tenth Amendments.

The American people must have our liberty, or we must have our revolution. If we fail now, our future and our children’s future will be one of darkness, manipulation and slavery.

We will rebuild our nation. We will love our neighbors, help the poor out of charity not compulsion, and respect the self-determination of other nations. We are a flame that cannot be extinguished. We must not fear, for our cause is just. We will have our liberty and we will never surrender to tyranny.

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